Chapter 6

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Being, discharged from hospital felt good but I could not help feel nervous. Dimitri pushed the wheelchair that I really did not want to sit in but the Doctor and Dimitri insisted. The sun was shining brightly in the sky as Dimitri and I reached his car.

"Roza, why don't you try to sleep you look exhausted"

I could not help but giggle as I yawned loudly; Dimitri smiled gently as he picked me up and helped me into the car.

"You're right Dimitri I am tired, but what if I'm still asleep by the time we get back to your house. I was also hoping to go to visit my mum. Although, its only be 10 days Dimitri I usually I go every day. Also I would like to see how far your house is from where my Mum and I used to live (when I was home from school in Montana.)"

Dimitri placed his hands on either side of my face. His hands felt so good that my face suddenly felt warm as I blushed.

"Oh Roza first we are going back to our house where Mama and the rest of my family are waiting happily. If you are a sleep then that is fine, they will not mind. (My eyes must have looked frightened because Dimitri was now on his knees by my side of the car door.) Roza, nobody is going to hurt you milaya. Mama, Victoria they already love you and the rest of the family are looking forward to you being in our family. Nevertheless, I will take you to the meadow if that is what you want to do. However, all I will say is that please start taking it easy as you are still recovering. (Rose, smiled sadly placing a kiss on my right cheek.)

Dimitri finished talking as we smiled back at one another.

Whilst, Dimitri made sure I was safe and secure in the car, he gently closed the passenger side of the door. He quickly took the chair back to the hospital entrance and ran back quickly to the car getting in the driver side. Dimitri placed his hand over mine speaking so quietly that I could barely hear him.

"Go to sleep Roza, you need it "

Closing, my eyes as Dimitri pulled out of the hospital I could not help but feel blessed at how lucky I am.


It did not take long for my girl to fall asleep, I knew that her recovery is far from over but with help; I was going to change that.

Home, is only 15 minutes away from the hospital, it felt good that I was bringing Roza home from the hospital.

Roza will have her life changed and be around people who love her. Pulling in to the estate where I live (and Rose lived with her mother). All, I could think about how Rose's lips felt when she kissed me. Rose is shy; it surprised me in a good way when she kissed me. There is definitely more to my girl then meets the eye.

Mama was outside in the driveway as we pulled up to the house. Waking Roza up proved difficult as I parked the car. Just as mama approached the car smiling, Roza started calling out in her sleep.

Quickly running around the car, Mama looked confused but she followed me as I pulled Roza out of the car into my arms.

"Poor girl, get her inside son the welcoming party can wait till later Roza comes first." Mama said as she stroked Rose's hair affectingly. This somewhat calmed Roza down her shouts turning to whispers.

"Mum come back, don't leave me I'm sorry" Roza kept repeating herself as Mama and I went in the house I walked up the stairs and inside Rose's room. I tried to place her down on her bed but Roza would let go of me.

Mama who had come in behind with me with the rest of Rose's things from the hospital. Just smiled at me and walked out of Roses room, closing the door gently.

Rose, calmed down about 10 minutes later her head resting on my chest. Just as I shut my eyes, Rose mumbled something causing me to grin.

"Mm, Dimitri, I love Dimitri he is so" Roza broke off snoring

Therefore, I fell asleep with my girl in my arms, protecting her from the world.

Lissa's point of view

(In Montana)

Waiting for my boyfriend Christian in my dorm room at the performing arts school in Montana. Where I have studied for all almost two years.

Sitting on my bed, I had all the photos out from my time here. Most of them are of friends but mainly I and my best friend Rose Hathaway. To whom I met on my first day here, tears fall my face as I picked the picture of us at the Halloween dance taken last year.

We were dressed as angels no less, Rose was so happy that night she had all the attention on her and she deserved it so much. She took me little shy timid Lissa under her wing; we had become so close in such a short amount of time she was like my sister.

The day after the Halloween dance (just over a year ago) Rose had just disappeared, I came back from Class to find Rose and all her things gone (as we shared a dorm room at the time). Nobody seemed to want to tell me what happened to her.

needless, to say Rose would have not just done a runner. She loved it here,(Rose had already been here at the school for nearly 3 years when I arrived). However, with persistence I found out that her father had pulled Rose out of school because her mum had died in a car accident.

My heart just broke, knowing that I could not be there for my best friend when she needed me the most. With Rose no longer here our friends shunned me, they started to pick on me blaming me for Rose's absence.

Two months later I started to talk to a boy called Christian who was in most of my classes. Being an outcast like me , we sort comfort in each other and we having been dating ever since. That is why when we graduate in later on in the year.

We are going to move together with his aunt and uncle and attended a college in Lexington that specialises in acting. Christian has also promised to help me find out where Rose is now living. As there is not a day that goes by that, I do not miss her so much.

Not realising that I was lost in my own thoughts about Rose. Christian was standing over my bed calling my name.

"Lissa, you have to come to the common room with me now "Christian said as he pulled me to my feet.

"Chris what's going" I said as I reached out to take his hand, which he instantly took.

"There is no time to explain liss but we have to hurry otherwise we will miss the news"

The news I thought what could be on the national news that I would want to see.

Reaching, the common room in no time, some girls from my dorm where quietly talking not paying any attention to what was going on around them.

"Christian walked me over to the television and switched it on. Pulling me into his embrace, I watched in horror as they talked about a 17-year-old girl from Lexington Mississippi (To my surprise) who is being abused and neglected by her father and stepmother.

"That's awful that poor girl" I muttered to Christian who just held me tightly. Something in my gut told me that the worst was yet to come and it was.

I screamed as I found myself crying uncontrollably as the girl was none other than Rose.

Christian sat down pulling me into his lap and stroked my hair gently telling me that everything was going ok.

All, I knew is that I was going to Lexington sooner than planned.

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