Chapter 11

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I cannot believe I am here waiting to see Rose in the hospital on my own. Christian is with his family comforting his aunt and uncle. After what Tasha, has done again, Dimitri wasn't far off the mark when he told us that Tasha is very infatuated with him.

Christian and I were together on the way from the airport in Dimitri car with both Dimitri and Ivan when. Both Christian and Dimitri had hysterical phone calls, the car was quiet after that.

Christian held my hand tightly, until we reached the hospital, tears shimmering in his eyes.

"Christian you have to know this is not your fault Tasha may be family but she is her own person. Who made her own decisions with her life?" Dimitri spoke so quietly to Christian as we approached the hospital. That I nearly missed what Dimitri had said, Christian gently squeezed Dimitri's right shoulder in acknowledgment. With that Christian took my hand and we all made our way to the front entrance of the hospital.

Where Christian's uncle had been waiting, Knowing Christian like I do I could tell he wanted to be alone with his Uncle.

So here I am an hour later waiting in the hospital corridor whilst waiting for Rose to wake up. Dimitri, asked me to come inside and wait with him but I thought it might confuse and maybe upset Rose.

Besides our reunion should still be a surprise some good should come out of this. When Dimitri opened the door to Roses room a moment later. Tears clouded my vision, my heart felt like it was heavy with emotions.

Dimitri, seeing that I was really nervous just smiled at me and motioning me to come forth. A look of shock passed my best friends face.

That's all I needed, moving in almost a run I was pulling Rose in my arms. That's when my tears broke and I cried, as Rose did as well.

Rose and I didn't say anything for a few minutes when she pulled away from me wiping her tears away.

"Am I dreaming are you really here Lissa?"

"Yes Rose I am really, here and no you are not dreaming." I said as Rose smiled I could tell she a million questions.

"Rose I can see you want to ask me a million questions but right now this important and before you interrupt me. (Rose sighed leaning against her pillow, her arms crossed but she was still smiling.) You need to rest as you have just had surgery."

"Wait how you knew that I got shot and I am fine thank you very much. Resting is for the weal beside I am Rose Hathaway. " Rose asked me changing her question into a statement to which she ended up sticking her tongue out at me.

Smiling like a fool I couldn't help but notice how my friend is back to her confident cheeky self.

About to answer her question Dimitri starts to speak before I could.

"Oh Roza I managed to track Lissa down and bought Lissa and her boyfriend from the airport. Both Lissa and I have arranged this over the last couple of months."

"Comrade you did this for me?" Dimitri walked across to sit next Rose on her hospital bed taking her small hand into his giant one.

"Yes I did my Roza, even though you are recovering and doing a lot better since I first met you. I could tell that something or rather someone was missing. From the way you would talk about Lissa you seemed sad and from what you told me. I knew you wanted and needed her in your life,so I made it happen."

"Don't forget you wouldn't have pulled this off without me D" Ivan said as he walked right into Roses hospital room without knocking. This stopped Dimitri from speaking as he was now glaring at his best friend but smiling.

Rose ignored Ivan looking at me I could tell she was getting tired but she didn't care. My phone beeped letting me know that I had a text from Christian. He was outside Roses room I think he was afraid to come in.

"So who's the boyfriend and when can I meet him. As I have to know if he's good enough for you"

Rose was impatiently waiting for me to answer, Dimitri and Ivan tensed up thinking that Rose was going to react. As Tasha is Christian's cousin, I was lost in thoughts when Rose said.

"Vasillisa Dragmoir I'm still waiting" The boys laughed at the playful tone in Rose's voice as she used my full name.

"Ok I will tell you I see you are as patient as ever (once again Dimitri and Ivan laughed again causing Rose to scowl.) His name is Christian Ozera and he is outside you know the one from Saint Vlad's."

Rose smiled wickedly

"He always did have a thing for you. Why I isn't in here with you, however I always got on with Christian. It's such a shame what happened to him he has suffered so much for someone so young. Before I left, I intended on setting you both up on a date. Well open the door and tell him to get his ass in here. On second thoughts I will do it, Dimitri help me up will you." The last question aimed more to Dimitri and Ivan then me.

"No Rose you are staying in the bed, Ivan will get the door as you as Lissa said earlier you are still recovering from your surgery" Dimitri told Rose with an authority tone to his voice whilst looking into her eyes.

Dimitri is so good for Rose I couldn't help but see how in love they are. Ivan was walking to the door when I stopped him.

"Don't worry Ivan I will go and get him as he is my boyfriend."

"Ok Lissa but I should go and get Rose some donuts from the store." Ivan turned around one last time as Rose told him thank you.

Then he left the room, I didn't have to walk far as Christian sat looking defeated and angry. Christian stood up, I held out my right hand for him to take.

"Rose wants to see you, that's if you feel up too it. After all you have had a traumatic time, how is aunt" Christian just shook his head.

"Later babe when we have some privacy, are you sure Rose wants to see me." Christian sounded concerned and yet confused as to why Rose would want to see him after what Tasha did.

"She wants to see you Chris and you know Rose would never judge you are Christian and not Tasha."

Christian just shook his head and we proceeded into Roses room.

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