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Josie's POV

This was the right thing to do or so I convinced myself it was, I couldn't stay here with a murder it just wasn't right.

I walked down stairs to find Sarah and Louis eating breakfast; they didn't know I was moving to America so this seemed like a perfect time to tell them "Sarah Louis" I began as there eyes bored into me
"Yes" They said in unison
"Well I've decieded that living here has far too many bad memories, so I'm moving to America" I told them. Louis spat out his cearl Sarah giggled as she handed him a tea towel
"it's a bit short notice to tell us now" Louis choked
"Why is it short notice, I have got the tickets and I found a place to live with Olly's helping pay for it, so it's fine" I told them not seeing the problem
"Oh right I thought you were hoping to move in with us" Sarah sighed of relief "Guys don't be silly I'm not just going to move and expect you to let me crash at yours" I said a little shocked they would think that.

All I had to do know was tell Harry, I knew this would be hard. So when he came down I walked over to the sofa where he was sat making sure I kept my distance, I had no idea where Olly was but at this time in moment I couldn't really care
"Harry" I harshly spoke
"What" he grumbled I could tell this was going to be fun
"I'm leaving to America this morning" I just came out with it, his face held no emotion but all of a sudden there was a loud bang and Harry feel onto the floor red sticky stuff flowing around him. "HARRY" I screamed running to him but I didn't make it any where near him before someone grabbed me around the waist
"Let go off me" I kicked and screamed but they only gripped on to me tighter "No Josie, he's dead, there's nothing you can do" Louis soft voice filled my head. I weakened in his arms and started crying. I was very emotional but some how I was relieved he was dead cause what he had done he desevered to rot in hell, but this wasn't how I expected it to be.

I looked up to find Olly holding a gun in his shaky hands looking at me with tears forming in his eyes
"Josie listen, I thought it was the right thing to do" Olly stuttered
"Olly how can this be the bloody right thing to do?" I sobbed
"because you don't need him in you're life anymore" Olly said. i shook my head maybe he right that I didn't need Harry in my life but killing him wasn't the solution. Sarah was by my side and Louis was stood over Harry's body. "Sarah babe, come here" Louis voice echoed through the empty house, Sarah obeyed his orders and walked to him, he whispered something in her ear. "Josie you need to go a catch you're plane" Sarah calmly said and the her tone of voice changed
"I HAD MY REASONS" Olly yelled back. I couldn't believe I was stood hear listening to this, so without another word I left.

I was about to start my new life in America.

Sarah's POV

Olly killed Harry, right in front of me, my own brother had turned into a murder right in front of me.

Josie was ripped apart, I understood why she had just lost the guy she loved even if he had killed his ex, deep down she still loved him. Louis whispered in my ear about helping get rid of the body to save Olly's back I wasn't happy to help Olly but I had no choice in the matter. Josie's plane was about to leave soon so I told her she needed to go, I looked back at Olly and started shouting at him when I noticed out the corner of my eye Josie was still there, but I carried on shouting then I saw Josie leave. Olly yelled at me that he had his reasons why he killed Harry." OLLY THATS NO EXCUSE, I CANT BELIEVE YOU" I screamed again at him. He went speechless, I looked at Louis who was examining Harry "Guys" he worriedly spoke up
"yeah" Olly and I said turning our heads to face him
"Harry is still breathing" Louis slowly revealed
"What" Olly gasped
"Louis quickly then take him to a hospital" I shouted at him making him jump into action.

*At the Hospital*

Olly's POV

I was scared out of my mind I knew I should be considering I had shot him, Louis was pacing back and forth driving me mad
"Louis will you just sit down" I snapped , he looked at me and sat down next to Sarah who was trying to contact Josie. I had tried to convince her that she would be on the plane but she wouldn't give up leaving her endless voice mails.

We had been in here for 2 hours now and there want any sign of recovery for Harry, my mind was going insane, I knew I had caused this trouble and I should probably hand myself into the police but Louis had convinced me not to as Josie needed a friend.

Louis POV

Harry was in hospital in a critical state Olly was convinced that he should hand himself in but I knew for a fact that Josie needed more Friends than just me and Sarah. Speaking of Sarah she had been trying to ring Josie for the past 2 hours. finally I saw a glimpse of the doctor walking towards us.

Doctor's POV

I and the medical team had spent ages trying to restrain Harry. We were fully aware of his shot in his left side luckily it hadn't done much damage, he was stable but at the moment whether he would live or not was very slim. I made my way over to 3 worried looking people, the 2 males looked very familiar but I put that aside when I reached them.
"Excuse me are you guys related to Harry?" I asked
"Yes I'm Louis Tomlinson and this is Olly Murs and Sarah" The loud one said, then that's when I realised Louis and Harry were part of the worlds biggest boy band One direction.
"Ok well I have some news on Harry" I continued, they all looked at me eager their eyes popping out of their sockets "We were able to to take the bullet out of his side, he only has a fractured hip so he will be on crutches, he is stable for the moment but in a very critical condition, whether he will live or not it is hard  to tell but we will beable to see in the next 24 hours. He is currently in a little coma but he can still hear if you would like to go and see him" I said slowly making sure they took all the information in. They nodded and headed down the corridor to his room.

Sarah's POV

We were all going out of our minds, finally the doctor came and told us that Harry was stable whether he would live or not was not yet known and he was in a small coma. I couldn't process the information, before I knew it my feet were taking me to his room. I stood by his bed side looking at him his limp body he looked dead, but I knew Harry was strong so he would make it through, I knew he desevered to suffer but on the other hand I needed him to pull through I had so much I needed to say to him. No I wasn't going to give him a lecture but I needed to ask him some questions.

Louis POV

We stayed at the hospital till end of visiting times, we headed back home, there was good news Harry had woken up so he was going to live, I was happy and upset but my emotions were all over the place. Olly was over the moon as he knew he wouldn't be going to prison, Josie hadn't called or text; maybe she really didn't care anymore, I wouldn't blame her, the only reason I was still here was because Sarah insisted we stayed as he needed 'some' friends.

When we got back to Olly's, everyone headed to bed we were nackered, Sarah had changed our flights till a later date; so we were staying in England for another 2 weeks. So with that on my mind I struggled to sleep, I missed Josie I had no idea if she was alright, my friend was in hosptial and my girlfriend's brother had put someone in hosptial. After a while sleep started taking over my body.

Harry's POV

My eyes felt really heavy, and a undescribable pain ran through my side. When my eyes finally did come into view I realiased I was in hosptial. I tried to sit up but it hurt to much so I gave up. I laied there trying to remeber what day it was, what time it was, and how on earth I did I end up here.

I lay there a few more minutes until I remembered the events of the last few days and the horrible truth that Josie had..... Finsished with me.

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