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I never did well with goodbyes I use to cry all the time and seeing as Harry use to travel around the world I use to cry even harder but seeing as me and him are no longer goodbyes don't upset me. But the day Olly moved away with his girlfriend I couldn't help but cry.


it was a typical rainy day and me and Harry were curled on the sofa watching the notebook. Harry had his arm slid around my waist and I had my head resting on his chest listening to the his soft heart beat, the movie was just coming to the end when my phone started blasting out 'when she was mine' by Lawson I sighed and sat up and placed the phone to my ear
"Hello" I croaked
"Josie, are you and Harry free?"Olly's enuthsatic voice sang down the phone "I guess" I spoke
"good babe can you come down to my place?" he asked
"Yes sure!" I replied and hung up. Olly and I had been friends for ages and he always had a habit of calling me babe luckily he didn't have a jealous girlfriend. I looked up at Harry who was starting to nod off,
"Babe!" I whispered- shouted all of a sudden his eyes flung open
"Yes babes?" he asked looking at me "Olly wants us to go to his house now, he seems very excited about something. Harry nodded as we made our way to the car, it was beginning to get dark and I still hadn't had my tea so what ever Olly wanted it better be good.

when we finally got to Olly's I quickly ran out the car without shutting the door and hammered on the door, Harry soon came and joined me
"it's ok ill shut you're door" he sarcastically spoken I muttered an apology as the door flung open to reveal a excited looking Olly. I ran into his arms and he returned the hug
"Hey Olls" I sang. we walked into the living room and took at seat on the sofa, soon after Jessy walked in
"Hey guys" she spoke quietly
"Hey!" Harry and I said in unison, Olly and Jessy sat on the sofa opposite Harry and I
"so why are we here?" Harry asked breaking the silence
" oh yes" Olly chuckled completely forgetting the fact we were here for him to tell us something. I looked between Jessy and Olly waiting for either one of them to speak, finally Jessy was the one who spoke first
"Ok well as you know me and Olly have been dating for quite a whi-" she began
" wait you're not pregnant are you?" Harry asked sounding quiet shocked "No Harry she's not!" Olly reassured Harry
"any way carrying on, as I was saying me and Olly have been dating for quite awhile now, so we have both decided that we are going to move to Australia" Jessy concluded. I was shocked, I couldn't speak or move all I could hear was voices around me
"babe" Harry worriedly whispered in my ear shaking me slightly. I turned my head to Harry tears rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't bear being in there any longer, I got off a stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't believe my ears, Jessy had changed Olly he would never agree to move so far away from friends and family. NEVER. I stormed outside feeling someone hot on my heels. I slid down the side of the wall until I hit the ground, by this time tears were flowing down my face, I buried my head into my arms. I felt someone's presence next to me and immediately I the smell of Hugo Boss Silver filled my senses. I looked up and saw Olly looking at me worry filling his eyes
" I'm sorry" I whimpered knowing I shouldn't have stormed out like that "babe it's fine you are allowed to be upset if I was in your shoes" he softly spoke I looked at him dead in the eyes
" but Olly you haven't just been told you're best friend is moving to the other side of the world!" I sobbed, the next thing I knew I was levitating Olly had me in his arms, he placed me down on his knee and stroked my hair
" Josie listen me and you have been friends for ages and who knows maybe Australia isn't for me and I may move back but who knows, my point is you are still my best friend I'm not going to forget about you because I love you and could never forget about you no matter how hard it tried it's just impossible" Olly stated " Any way Josie you will have an excuse to have a holiday ever other month" Olly chuckled.
"You're right and I know but it's not ever day I have to say goodbye seeing as Harry doesn't travel around the world any more and I'm going to miss you soo much" I cried as I clung to his neck
" and I'm going to miss you" he replied hugging me back. I looked into his eyes and started to lean in to Olly looking him dead in the eye our lips were so close to touching when Olly pulled back "Josie this isn't right we can't do this we are both taken"Olly harshly spoke, I got off him
"sorry Olly but me and Harry need to go!" I rushed as I ran back into the house. Harry and Jessy were sat there quite awkwardly
"Harry we are leaving!" I snapped, I stormed out the door for the second Tim that night with Harry hot on my heels. I got in the car as Harry sped off home.
"Josie I'm confused are you going to tell me what's going on?" Harry asked growing impatient at my sudden outburst.
"well I'm sorry Harry but you haven't just been told that you're best friend is moving to Australia" I screamed causing Harry to get even more angrier " for goodness sake Josie he isn't just your friend don't you think this is a shock to me as well?" He yelled at me causing me to jump but I still stood my ground
" Well I'm sorry but you're so called best friend tried to kiss you're girlfriend" I screamed tears falling onto my reddened cheeks, once the words were out I couldn't take them back I knew they were a lie but I couldn't help myself. Harry slammed on the breaks nearly sending me through the window screen
" he nearly did what!" Harry roared his voice full of anger " you heard me and do you know what I stopped him before you get any thoughts in you're head" I bellowed knowing what Harry was like. Harry put the car back into life and took us back home with out saying another word.

We reached home and I walked in and went straight to bed, I peeled of my clothes and left my underwear on seeing as the weather was really hot. I clambered into the cool sheets shutting my eyes and started to drift off. I was about to hit deep sleep when Harry rolled me over and hovered on top of me placing small kisses at the edge of my mouth
"Harry" I grumbled feeling extremely tired
  " look babe I'm sorry I shouldn't have got angry at you like that it wasn't you're fault and that whole kiss thing I'm willing to let that go I know I should beat his ass for it but he's moving away bad I don't want to end it like this" Harry softly spoke while moving his Gand up and down my thigh
" Harry you know you will see him again" I reassured him. He kissed my lips starting soft but gradually deepening the kiss, he ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied it, he tried again but nope I was not budging so Harry moved his lips to my neck and starred nibbling the skin, and leaving little love bites every where. I let out a small moan and Harry took advantage of this a placed his tongue in my mouth we frantically searched each other's mouths. I tangled my fingers in his brown curls and  Harry lost his hands I my hair. We finally came up for air
"goodnight Harry" I managed to speak but Harry was already asleep.

*end of flashback*

I was glad Jessy and Olly ended it so I could have Olly back. Though he was gone for a year but I couldn't care less cause Olly means nothing to me know.

A/N All will become clear about why olly doesn't mean anything to Josie any more you just have to be patient

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