I'm Back

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A/N Hope you are enjoying it so far, so Jason and Josie are going out. Drama will be happening in this chapter. Enjoy XX

A/N This Is going to be in Harry's POV

Harry's POV

I was finally back on my feet Olly was going to pay for what he did I just needed to find away how to.

Louis and Sarah have gone back home so it's just me, myself and I in this big empty house. I feel so lonely, no one is there, Josie left and hasn't called, I'm so lost without her, but I desever to be without her what I did was not right and I hurt the ones I loved.

The day was Tuesday, 3 weeks Josie has been gone, I was going out of my mind, I needed someone to talk to so I picked up my phone and called Jason my cousin. It rang and rang until the answer machine kicked in 'Sorry I can't come to the phone right now I'm busy pleasing my girlfriend, please leave a message after the tone' I was confused who was his Girlfriend?. I put it aside maybe he had some American chick, I sighed feeling bored, I trotted over to the sofa and flung myself on it, the sofa seemed huge now I didn't have Josie with me. I knew who I could ring, Louis. So I dialled his number luckily he did pick up "hello" his voice echoed down the phone "Louis" I cheered "oh hey Harry" he sounded disappointed "what's the matter?" I questioned slightly confused to why he was in a mood "Nothing just I didn't expect to here from you!" his voice was cold and harsh. "well sorry, I know I've do wrong but I want to make it better"i pleaded "look Harry I've got to go" he rushed as the Line went dead.

Seriously I knew I had done wrong, but I had learnt from my mistakes, I had stopped myself so many times from lashing out a Josie I knew it shouldn't have got that close but that fragile girl I use to have curled up in a ball I the corner didn't know her limits there was only so much I could take. I loved her more than I could tell her, I saved her saved her life she was so close to death and now I felt like I was heading down that road. Grr I face palmed my self 'pull yourself together styles' the voice in the back off my head piped up at the most annoying times. Josie completed me, my missing puzzle piece, my best friend she kept me sane. Through good and bad she was by my side, she was loyal and everything I wanted in girl. Not just her good looking features but she was kind and honestly I don't think how hard I even tried I wouldn't be able to replace her she was as they say irreplaceable. one of a kind my Josie was no one could ever be her. And what hurts the most she loved me and trusted me more than she did with anyone else and I had gone and blown it. Good going styles. I really did have a charm to push people away the ones I loved. Maybe this was a sign that I should be on my own, that love wasn't for me that Josie had left my heart in a Un fixable state and no matter how hard someone tried I would never be whole again. I needed her she was the only thing that kept me alive apart from food and water. I loved her more that words could ever say. but I lost her, I lost her due to my anger and now maybe she is with some guy who will treat her better know how to control their anger, love and Cheri's her and be there for her, make her their wife, have children with her. But I want to do all that. Me No one else just me, I'm the only person she loves and deep down inside I know she knows that's true she just has too wake up and see it.

Her moving was just throwing away all of memories everything we have built together gained each other's trust. Come on I was even her fist her exact words were 'I've waited to find someone special and now that I have I'm ready.' God I miss her voice her touch her kiss her hug just her I miss her.

I could create a list of things I loved about her,

Her hair 

Her lips

Her hugs 

the way she ran her fingers through my curls 

The list could go on, I need her she completed me. I was foolish, I must be really stuiped to let someone like Josie walk out of my life. So stuiped. 

There had been so many times I was heading for the gutter but Josie had been there to pull me back together. If only I could turn back time, go back to the day I first met Taylor just and just end it with her like a normal person and not have killed her then I wouldn't be in this mess now. Josie would still be here and we would be curled up on the sofa watching something or enjoying each others company. But I'm no time lord I cant go back in time. 

All these thoughts were messing with my head, I needed a drink, I hadn't had a drink in 4 months; I stopped because it brought the bad side of me I stopped because I didn't want to hurt Josie. But now I needed one  I was craving it, the way it burns your throat, it takes away the pain for a while makes everything better, makes you a different person. I walced over to the cupboard and pulled out the whisky bottle, taking a big swig of it. It burnt my throat but it felt good, slowly the pain started to fade as I took another swig of the stuff. I swayed over to the sofa and slumped down, I was going to be a complete wreck for the rest of my life... unless Josie came back. 

I sat staring into space for what seemed like hours taking several more swigs out of the bottle until it was completely gone. I was so drunk I could barley walk, I made it to the bedroom as I fell on the bed, I noticed my laptop was still on, I slowly opened the screen as my hands were shaking. I hadn't been on my laptops for nearly a month so why was it on? as it reboosted it self into life, my phone rang but I ingorned it, to my luck it would proberly be my mother and if she knew I was drunk she would not be happy. I swiverled my eyes back to the laptop screen and the last thing to be used on it was plane tickets to America; Joise had used my laptop to book the tickets, then an idea came in my head a quite amazing one if I must say.

If Josie wouldn't come to me I  would have to go to her. Simple. 

I'm Sorry Harry styles and Olly MursWhere stories live. Discover now