Lets take it futher part 47

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Chapter 47

You let go if Justin's hand and you pushed him in he went under water and came floating back up again

Justin:baby get in

You:ok 1...2...3...

You jumped in and went under water Justin pulled you up again

Justin:haha baby aye

You pushed Justin back and kissed him

Justin:baby I love your kisses

You:aww baby *blushes*

You kissed him again repeating your kiss you bite his lip you wrapped your legs around Justin's waist and you where both still kissing Justin mumbled "promise me that you won't leave me" you mumbled while still kissing "if I did I would be crazy I promise you I won't baby I love you" "I love you too baby girl".

Justin and you started messing about in the pool when Alfredo walked outside


Alfredo:AYE Y/N

Justin:aye man

Alfredo:wassup bro

Alfredo sat on the deck chair that was next to the pool.

Alfredos:what have you love birds been doing

Justin:nothing we had Christmas dinner yesterday with everyone what's happening with you bro

Alfredo:wait is y/n in a bikini *happy face*

Justin:yeah bro

Alfredo:wow she looks amazing

You:thankyou ahaha

Justin:snap out of it man

Alfredo:sorry man she's beautiful

You:do you two want something to eat

Justin:yes please beautiful,do u want me to help

You:no it's alright baby I can do it I will come back in the pool after

You kissed him and got out of the pool you bent down and grabbed a towel Justin slapped you ass you put your hand in the water and flew water at Justin he laughed and you went inside and made some burgers and chips Justin and Alfredo where outside talking.

Alfredo:so man did you treat her to something special remember at the ice rink what I told you


Alfredo:did she play naughty or nice

Justin:she played naughty she always does

Alfredo:aw man tell me more

Justin:she went hard on me man like wow

*20 minutes later*

Justin got out of the pool and sat down on the deck chair next to Alfredo you gave Justin and Alfredo a plate of chips and a burger each and you jumped in the pool.

Justin and Alfredo where eating their burgers staring at you and your hair was soaking wet already you went underwater and came back up again moaning.

Justin:*shouts* y/n


Justin: I love you baby girl *smiles*

You:I love you too baby *blushes*

Alfredo:aww ahaha

You:Justin come here I wanna tell you something

Justin walked over to you and bent down

You:*whispers* baby if your ready to have a 3rd child then I am ok with that

Justin:*whispers* really baby we can have another child

You:*whispers* yes baby

Justin:*whispers* can I tell Alfredo and no one else

You nodded you head Justin smiled and went to tell Alfredo

Justin:guess what bro y/n said that me and her can have another baby

Alfredo:3 kids wow

Justin:it was my idea bro

Alfred:well if that's what you two want then go for it bro I gotta go now bye bro BYE Y/N

You:bye fredo and don't tell anyone what Justin told you k cause its gong be a suprise

Alfredo:you can count on me *smiles*

Alfredo left and Justin got back into the pool with you and you wrapped your legs around him and wrapped your arms around his neck

Justin:when are we going to try


Justin:how about now baby come on

You where nervous about the decision you made


You and Justin went upstairs and started to take your clothes off.

To be continued

Lets take it futher (justin bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now