Chapter 7

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“We’re only young and naive still, we require certain skill. The mood it changes like the wind, hard to control when it begins. The bittersweet between my teeth, trying to find the in-between. Fall back in love eventually.”

19th of April, 2013 – 11:26 pm

As Harry took Louis’ length in his mouth, Louis squeezed his eyes shut tightly, causing crinkles to form around his eyes. He dug his fingers into the sheets of the bed, as he felt Harry’s soft plush lips wrapped around his now hardened, pulsating dick. It wasn’t very often that Harry would make Louis feel good, with tour being a distraction and the big hole in their relationship didn’t quite help either. But regardless, here Harry was, sucking off his boyfriend. He could hear every deep breath, moan and groan that escaped Louis’ lips and he was about ready to fuck the shit out of him. Meaning that in the most romantic way as he possibly could. At 19, Harry couldn’t contain his raging hormones, especially when it came to seeing Louis standing on stage in his tight jeans. His eyebrows would arch, and his piercing blue eyes would stare as his neck veins popped out when he got so into his solos. It made Harry throb in every sensational part in his body, but mainly, he’d think with his dick.

Louis felt sweat trickle at his forehead as his breathing increased and he worked his hips upwards into Harry’s face, he groaned loudly, not being able to contain himself. The thing with Harry that Louis always seemed to notice is that if he was mad, he would want one thing from him and one thing only. A proper good shag.  But it had seemed to become between their relationship a little more than it should have. There were more fights than intimate moments, and just pure lust. Louis didn’t remember a recent time when they made love and it started to bother him. Whether it bothered Harry, Louis never knew. Louis didn’t even know why all that stupid shit was running through his brain at that exact moment. For god fucking sakes, his boyfriend was giving him a blow job and it was quite clear that they were about to fuck for the first time in weeks as soon as Louis gasp through his hitched breath, “F..uck me Harry.” 

Harry’s smirk rose, causing his deep dimples to show as he lifted his lips from Louis’ length and crawled on top of Louis, “Oh? I was planning to,” and slammed Louis over on to his stomach. 

His fingertips gripped tightly onto Louis’ hips, Harry felt himself shake as it’d been the first time he’d had sex with Louis in so long and as he took in his boyfriend’s petite and perfect figure, he found it hard to breathe and concentrate. He’d missed out on so much recently. To Harry, Louis’ body begun to look less feminine than he had once seen, as tattoos begun to cover his upper and lower arms. It gave Louis an edgier, sexier more grown up look, but Harry missed the young idiotic lad he’d fallen in love with in the first place. The one that was so anti-tattoo that he’d shun Harry every time he came home with a new one, the Louis that looked at you and you knew he adored you from afar. These all became illusions in Harry’s mind as he knew things were changing ever so quickly. He wasn’t ready to let go of Louis. He wanted to still let him know, that Louis belonged to himself. 

Harry already became so turned on by hearing those three words from Louis’ lips that he’d already worked himself up enough. He brought his length, to Louis’ entrance and softly whispered to Louis shakily, “If it hurts…let me know, okay?” 

He heard a soft mumble from Louis, “Mhm.” 

And with that, Harry squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as he could, and slammed himself into Louis, causing Louis to raise himself up and support his on body weight on his elbows, while pushing himself backwards up into Harry.

After a few moments, the pain Louis was feeling soon went away as it was being replaced with pleasure. He felt Harry’s eyes on his every move and deep shortened breaths he took. Louis fluttered his eyes with every thrust he felt inside him, biting down softly on his lips taking in that Harry was once again, making him feel good. His mind became a blur, his stomached tightened and all he could think of was Harry being in him. Harry leaned over Louis, grabbing tightly to the headboard and slamming harder into him. Louis groaned, but soon, he realised there was no softness or gentleness in Harry’s thrusts, or movement. He looked up to Harry, seeing his forehead full of beaded sweat, he wasn’t looking down on Louis like usual. His jaw was clenched; his eyes dead open, focussing on the wall ahead of him as he continued to thrust. Louis didn’t see the real Harry. Just the lustful, jealous person that was being shown. Louis felt sick to the stomach, what the fuck was happening? He gasped out to Harry, to stop, but Harry didn’t look down, he continued to push himself into Louis and suddenly that pleasure, went away and back came the pain. Louis squeezed his eyes shut in pain, “Harry. Stop. Please.” 

Harry looked down, smirking, “What? Don’t you like it?” he obviously thought Louis was having a joke, to get Harry to work harder, but he was wrong when Louis firmly spoke, “No. I don’t. Stop it.” 

Frowning and wiping the curls out of his face, Harry slowly pulled out and Louis pushed Harry out of him, grabbing his pants and chasing himself into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it shut.

Standing there, naked and confused, Harry frowned again and followed Louis. He tried opening the door, but realised it was locked and he sighed. Leaning his head on the door, speaking through the barely there crack, Harry spoke, “Open the door Lou.” 

Silence. Louis said nothing. 

Harry swallowed, what had just happened? 

“That didn’t mean anything, did it?” Louis whispered from behind the door, “You just needed it because you were mad didn’t you? There was no love, no heart and soul put into that, was there?” 

“Louis…you know that’s not true. I love you,” was all Harry seemed to crack out. He quickly realised why Louis had run off and got so upset. Harry thought back to a few minutes ago, and noticed that he took no acknowledgement of his boyfriend, he was just thinking of how good he himself felt. Not Louis. Harry felt his heart crack and slid down to the floor against the same door as Louis, despite his nakedness. He bit his trembling lip.

“What happened to us?” 

Harry took a big shaky breath in, and gently closed his eyes as he felt a tear fall and a shiver run down his spine. He couldn’t answer Louis’ question, because he just didn’t know.

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