Chapter Four- Collision

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(Sorry we're a day late. Exams are coming up and we forgot yesterday. Enjoy :D)

Rei POV:

"Rei, no. We've got to go. We're already late!"

I sighed. "But they've got the best bookstore in any village I've been in and it won't take long! The next installation in my favorite series was just released!"

Mei grumbled and grabbed my arm. "Rei. No one cares about your books. Let's go."

I crossed my arms. "I care about my books, and Suga reads them too!"

My cousin turned to my sister and looked like he was about to say something, but his brother interrupted him.

"So? You can get the book later. Come on, we've got to go!" Izuri said grouchily. "Suzuki has some 'important mission' to take care of when we get there."

My sister whipped around on him, her red-brown hair swinging in their pigtails. "I have to guard the Kazekage!" She yelled at Izuri. "So yes, Izuri. I have a very important mission."

Izuri rolled his blue eyes at her. "Whatever. Can we just go if we're going to go?"

Suga scoffed. "Why are you such a whiney butt? You complain about everything."

"Oh, like you're so much better, Mister I-hate-everything."

I sighed. As much as they complained about Mei and I fighting so often, they were even worse.

Iki bounced over to them. "Stop fighting! Zu, you've got nothing to redeem yourself for, calm down a little. Rei, you can get your book when we get there, they have bookstores too. Mei, don't tell her no one cares, you'll only make her angry. Izuri, don't be so mean to Suga. He has a point, you know. Suga, maybe try not saying it so mean next time?" Her twelve year old voice piped in.

Suga rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Izuri continued complaining. "He was mean first!"

Suzuki was burying her face in her hands and Mei was grumbling that no one cared.

Iki wrinkled her nose and took off, leaving us no choice but to follow. She was just lucky she's cute.

"Iki!" Zu yelled and sprang after her. I sighed and jumped to follow them, with the others close behind me.

Upon arriving in the small, secluded village in which the celebration was being held, I immediately knew something was off. It was both eerily silent and loud at the same time. I'd been to this village before and it was entirely different this time.

I felt my shoulder tensing as I braced myself for any situation.

What could possibly be going on? I thought to myself.

I was just opening my mouth to say something to Mei about the queasy feeling I was getting, when I felt an impact in my arm and I was thrown off kilter and into a nearby building, barely managing to catch myself in time to not crash.

The impact sent the girl that hit me spinning as well. She had long brown hair and milky white eyes. Was she blind? She had baggy white clothes hanging off of her as if they had been made several sizes too big. Her hair was falling in wisps around her face as she looked at me with wide, white eyes.

"I'm sor-" The girl began, only to be cut off by my sister.

"Hey, you leaf brat! That's my sister you just tackled!" Mei yelled. "Aren't you going to apologize?"

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