Chapter Eight: A Choc Chip Cookie

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Note: If you read this note, 'Darkanglex123', comment 'Chicken-Flavoured Blood'! Have a wonder time reading this chapter and make sure you like and comment! If you comment something random, but related to this book, you'll get a super duper ultra mega vampiristic shoutout! -Wishi

Chapter Eight

Riley's POV

There was an awkward moment at the feasting table where no food was served yet, however we were all sitting on our designated throne-like chairs, waiting for it to arrive at our table. 

"So Riley," Vlad began, "Where abouts are you from?"

I suppose I shouldn't reveal where I was actually from to a guy, let alone a vampire, I met last night, but if you really think about it, Vlad wouldn't tell me the story of his dad's death to a breather unless he really saw trust radiating from me. 

"I came from beyond the Vaccaria border," I said, "But, then again, I'm a trekker."

Vlad and Ingrid both interlocked. "So you've been in and out?" Ingrid asked, curious.

"Ingrid!" Vlad yelled, furious at her apparent rude remark.

"That's alright," I ensured, "I actually have only been in and out once. I don't really have a home to live in, so I travel around places looking for abandoned huts or houses. And there's plenty of those beyond that border."

The siblings nodded and Vlad looked at Ingrid with a death glare. Somehow, he looks deeply offended.

"Master & Mistress Dracula, breakfast is served," Refield squawked, dragging a table on wheels behind him.

"Finally!" I sighed, relieved of its arrival. Vlad chuckled. "Oh my God! I am so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," I apologised, realising the awful word that popped out of my mouth just then.

"You know, Vlad. Just kiss her already," Ingrid teased. "Maybe you can turn her into a vampire, and then she'll turn on you and go marry your half brother!" 

"Ingrid, I command you to sit down at the feasting table!" Vlad ordered as Ingrid banged her fists on the table and walked off.

"Or what? You'll kill me? Vlad, I'm the only family you have left, and you're the only family I have left. I can't afford for you to fall for a breather again. The story will start all over again except you'll be left in pieces. Getting rejected once is bad, but twice is just too much," she sobbed, leaving me helpless in the room.

I gazed at Renfield as he handed me a platter of what looked like over cooked food and raw meat. Then, I took a glimpse at Ingrid who did an over-dramatic sigh and sat down at the feasting table, looking at me with her razor sharp eyes. I felt as though they pierced through me like a dart, except it made me feel peculiarly weak. 

"Sorry, I'm late guys," a boy with fair, yet slightly dark skin, apologized. He brushed off his clothes and sat down, looking directly at Vlad. 

"That's alright Jonno. It's not like we were talking about Vlad falling in love." Ingrid rolled her eyes at me, making me feel exceedingly inferior. "Again," she added.

"What are we having for breakfast, then?" Jonno smiled, looking at Ingrid in a weird way for the words that slid out of her mouth. 

"Well, Mr. Van Helsing, we have bat brain omlette, whale vomit milkshake, horse manure pancakes and a wide variety of fried cockroach intestines," Renfield blabbed. I almost threw up inside. "Oh, and we've got orange juice," he added. 

"Wait," I stopped, "Van Helsing, as in vampire slayer clan and head of the slaying society?" I questioned, finding it rather 'awesome' that the he was the ONLY one supposedly left.

"The one and only," Jonno smiled, attempting to make Vlad feel better, as he noticed his droopy smile. Vlad smiled a little, making me smile. I could see Ingrid looking at me with a muderous look and I tried to resist punching her face, like I would to who ever would look at me like they would kill me if they could. But I couldn't. Vlad was being so nice to me. I couldn't.

"I'll have a glass of orange juice and I'll just go downstairs to class,"Vlad asked, Renfield giving him what he asked for. In a moment or two, Vlad flitted off to somewhere, which was kind of easy to guess. The CLASS. 

Now... where is that? I was too hungry to think. I'd rather chew my finger off than eat bat brain omlette. I so want a choc chip cookie right now. I want it so bad. Or maybe even a veggie burger. 'Oh God, if you are listening to me now, please give me a choc chip cookie. Even a sandwich will be appreciated.' I thought. 

I walked out the room with the feasting table and I ran as fast as I could once I ran out, hoping Ingrid won't follow me. I looked for a flight of stairs, or even a hole in the ground which I could jump through. I felt so safe with Vlad. He just told me all his secrets and he would order Ingrid around to protect me. I felt like I was going to die any second right now because Vlad wasn't there.

There they were. The stairs. Just calling to me.

 I looked around at the walls covered in graffiti and such spray paint. Phrases such as 'DOOMSDAY IS COMING' and 'DOWN WITH THE VACCARIAS' were painted on the white walls. The lockers were chipped and the metal was dented. The tiles on the floor had what looked like traces of blood in the cracks and mud on the rest. The place looked filthy, but somehow... homely.

"Vlad? Hello? Anybody down here?" My voice echoed as it bounced off the bricks. 

"Ah, breakfast. I happened to have missed it this morning. You will do. A succulent breather with what smells like B+ blood running through her veins." I turned around, only to see a famished vampire with eyes glowing like fire. They burned brighter than I've ever seen them, and her fangs glistened under the dim lights that illuminated this place. Her hair was tied back in a neat bun with a ribbon tied on it, securing all the hair. She wore a blue and yellow floral dress and shoes that completely contrasted the outfit. 

"Stand down, Aisha!" Vlad yelled. I could recognise that voice anywhere. Aisha sunk her fangs back in and her eyes returned to their natural rusty ochre state. "And Riley...! Under no circumstances are you to be in a room without either Ingrid, Connor or me there to protect you!"

"I was just interested in what you were doing. You can't blame a breather for her curiousity," I attempted to explain.

"She was in the way of my class, so I figured 'why not just feed on her blood and just get rid of her?'" Aisha grinned. Vlad looked at Aisha with his evil glare.

"That's not funny, Aisha," Vlad denied, "You should know better than to spill the blood of the innocent."

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