Chapter 7: In God We Trust? But I Don't trust No One.

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(Same Day)

Breana's P.O.V

I sat in the chair by the hospital bed pleading for Jacob to wake up. I know your wondering why I am here and not his mother. Well I was the one who found his body surrounded by blood. It makes my heart ache and my stomach churn into knots.

The scene was horrible I can't believe Chresanto and Craig did this to him! I know it was them because they left his house just before I had that feeling. He never does anything -- he just wants to be left alone, by everyone. I don't understand why they won't leave him alone. The beat and batter him and still come back for more.

I believe Jacob is one of the strongest person I know. But everyone has a breaking point, right?

I guess today was his. . . I watched as his chest rises and declines with each breath him and the oxygen machine takes. I should have did something when I felt the bad feeling then instead of brushing it aside like Craig told me to.


I went on my daily run I usually do after I was done with my homework. Right now I am making good timing. I might be done faster then usual. I looked at the street signs, 3rd and Main Street. I am few houses away from Jacob's house. Sometimes I am lucky and can watch him mow his front lawn.

Jacob pushing the lawn mower horizontally across his yard as sweat beads drips off his forehead and neck. His luscious, voluptuous curls weighing down his head drooping over his eyes. Jacob takes off his shirt and wipes the sweat of his face and neck. He slings his shirt over his broad shoulder. I would watch as sweat would trickle down his new forming abs. Had he been working out? Oh the things I would do to him right there on that lawn.

'Snap out of the daydream Bre you got this keep running. Jacob doesn't want you like that -- he only thinks of you as a friend.' I whispered to myself.

Sadly I wanted him more then a friend nor a 'best friend' I want him to love me the same way I love him. I sighed I know that wont happen. I might as well admire him from a distance. I shook my head getting those thoughts out and kept running.

As I was making my way down Jacob's block I noticed a Red Camero Coupe. The only person I know who has that car is Craig. I slowed down my running as I eased up on the car. I then see a very angry Craig leave Jacobs house. I watched as he slammed his hands down on the hood of his car.

What's going on? I started to get this bad feeling that Craig did something to Jacob. I knew that he was around Jacob for a while and seemed like a friend to him. Maybe that was all a phase or something. Maybe nothing happened and Jacob is fine? I just can't shake this feeling.

"Who the hell is there?" Craig hissed.

I got up from where I was hiding and walked to the other side of the car for safe distance from him. "Craig what's going on?" I asked, with worry.

"Nothing." He spoke with a blank expression. I searched his face for an honest answer but there was none. Instead his eyes flared with anger deviousness.

"Is Jacob okay?"

"Why are you asking all these questions hmm? Why must you worry about that loser for?" Craig snarled, "Listen here, don't make the same mistake I did, before you end up like me."

"What the hell do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Look, save yourself the trouble Jacob is fine if you must know." He rolled his eyes, I sighed in relief. Craig went inside his car window and tooted the horn. Just then Chresanto comes out the house cheesing ear to ear. Great, he is here.

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