Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Shawn's POV

"Okay, I think that's everything," Christina said as she looked around the room. She was about to leave to handle some business. That, of course, meant that I would be taking care of Ashlyn.

"I got it," I stressed to her.

"I'm just making sure, Shawn. Hush I'm trying to think," she said before looking around the room once more.

I patiently waited as I sat on the bed. Ashlyn was sleeping peacefully in the middle of the bed. She slept a lot, but Christina said that she was up the entire flight. I knew that meant that Chris didn't get any sleep.

"Go," I told her.

"Fine," she said before walking over and planting a kiss on my lips.

"How long are you going to be?"

"I don't know, yet. Hopefully the realtor is on time. I want this to be as quick as possible. When I get back, we can go somewhere, I guess."

I laughed. "No, you're going to get some rest. We can go somewhere after that."

"Well then. But I gotta go. Call me if you need anything!" She said as she grabbed her purse and left out. I sat on the couch and watched a little bit of television. This was actually my first time in Chicago, and I was wondering how Chris was even going to manage a business in two cities.

After a while, I figured I'd FaceTime Bey and see what she was up to.

Once our phones connected, I frowned. I could instantly tell that she was somewhere with heavy traffic, meaning a lot of people. She was sitting there with an oversized hoodie on.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"Houston," she answered dryly.


"And you?"


"So you took my advice?"

I smirked. "Yeah. Thanks for that."

"I shouldn't be thanked for telling you to do something you needed to do anyways. Actually, I shouldn't even have had to tell you that, Shawn. That's your child. You and your wife made love and created a baby, no one should have to tell you to be a father."

"Ayee, I get it. I get it. I'm stepping up, Bey."

"You don't have to tell me that."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her once I noticed her face and her mood.


"You're lying. Where are you?"

"I told you. Houston."

"Exact location, Beyoncé."


I frowned at her. "For what?"

"I'm going back home, Shawn."

"You just got there, Bey."

"And I'm just taking my ass home."

I chuckled a bit. "What happened?"

"This trip was planned to meet my birth parents."

"And what's wrong with that?"

She looked at me angrily. "Because I didn't want to see them!"

"Uh. Attitude? What's wrong with meeting them? I thought that was something that all adopted kids wanted?"

Bitterly, she laughed. "Don't group me in"

"Stop it. Did you ask your mother why she took you?"

"No. She shouldn't have. I told her that I didn't want to see them. Ever. And she took me down there and didn't say anything."

"Well, you have a right to feel a way about that. She didn't respect your wishes. But, did you at least talk to your parents?"

"The Solange girl did more talking." For the first time ever, I could hear a hint of jealousy in Bey's voice. I've never seen her as a jealous person before.

"That who?"


"Who is that?"

"Their daughter."

"Your sister."

"Their daughter," she reiterated, causing me to laugh. I didn't mean to laugh at her, but she was being so petty right now.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're extremely petty right now."


"You're angry or whatever, and I get that. But wouldn't you want to know, Bey? Wouldn't you want to know why they couldn't keep you?"

"You mean wouldn't I like to know why Solange was more special than me?"

"Bey, it's not a contest or who they liked better."

"You don't know that!"

"And you don't either! You're running away from everything and for what? So you can sulk more and suppress your feelings?"

I don't think Bey realized that I knew her a lot more than she showed. Now that she's really opening up more, everything was connecting to why she feels certain ways.

"I'll be fine," she said lowly.

"Go back and talk to them, Bey. If you don't want them in your life, just get that closure that you know you want."

"I gotta go," she said quickly before hanging up. There was nothing that I could do at that point. She could take my advice or she could ignore it.

Bey's POV

I thought about it for a moment. Regardless of what Tina and her family could've said, I'd still feel the same way. I'd still look and see Solange being the daughter that they kept. I'll still see myself as unwanted.

My mother was blowing my phone up. I was pretty sure that she was probably banging on the hotel door, but I had already checked out. Luckily for me, there was a plane leaving in about five minutes. I needed and wanted to be alone. That's all I asked was to be alone.

I texted her that I was going back home and turned my phone off. I'm sure that she's feel some type of way, but I really didn't like being bombarded like that. It made me feel like she was forcing me to meet these people and accept them.

I got on the plane and went back to New York. The ticket set me back a lot, but I felt like it was worth it. I needed to be alone. Every few months or so, I got in this mood where I just wanted to be alone. You know those times when you just turn your phone off and ignore everything in the world?

I went home, closed the blinds, and locked myself in my house. My phone? Turned off.

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