Chapter 14

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Beyoncé's POV

Feeling a body on top of mine, I immediately frowned and opened my eyes. Seeing Shawn, I tiredly chuckled. "You're so weird," I smirked before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down on me.

"We gotta get uppp," he stressed. Today was a big day. We were going to be seeing my birth parents. They knew that I was coming with a plus one, so I guess that was okay.

"What if I changed my mind?" I asked him as we both looked out of the hotel window.

"Not an option," he told me honestly.

I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded. "What time is it?"

"Enough time. I gave you an hour and half to get ready."

I pulled away to see that he was already dressed.

"You seem excited about this."

"I just want this to be a good experience for you. So, get up."

I groaned and went to do what I had to do. Luckily, Shawn gave me that much time, since I used it all up.

When I finally emerged from the bathroom fully clothed, I could hear him on the phone. By the tone of his voice, I knew that it had to be Christina.

I didn't say anything. I simply grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was time to go. Today wasn't the day for Christina to be petty.

I tapped his shoulder and pointed to my wrist before grabbing my purse and leaving the room. Listen, I know Christina has every right to give Shawn hell, but it was over now. They are divorced, and he takes care of his child. She could stop being petty now.

Shawn caught up to me and we got into the rental car. "Sorry," he said softly.

I shrugged my shoulders and put my seatbelt on. I was going to be driving, since I remembered how Mama drove here. Pulling into the house, I sat in the driveway for a moment.

"What?" Shawn asked while looking at me.

"Nothing, let's get this over with."

We both got out and went to the front door. I didn't even have to ring the doorbell before the Solange girl opened the door with a bright smile. My eyes traveled to her hair and back to her face.

"Are you going to disrespect us again?" She asked me.

I looked at her for a moment. There were endless possibilities on how to answer this question. I could've been my usual smart ass self or I could be polite.

"No," I said dryly.

"Who is this?" She asked with her eyes fixated on Shawn.

"Your boyfriend? You brought your boyfriend? Oh my gosh! Come in!" She said pulling me in without allowing me to tell her anything.

"Mama! Daddy! Beyoncé and her boyfriend..."

"Shawn," he answered.

"Shawn are here!"

I glared at Shawn, who looked as if he wanted to laugh right then and there. She was so excited. Why?

Tina and Mathew emerged from some room together with a smile.

"So glad to see you again, Beyoncé. Shawn? Nice to meet you," Tina spoke politely with her hand out to shake Shawn's.

He reached and shook her hand as well.

"Nice to meet you, Shawn. I'm Mathew."

"Nice to meet you, as well."

"Well, are you two hungry? I cooked breakfast."

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