Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Bey's POV

It's Monday. I looked at the clock and realized that it was close to time for school to let out. Me? Oh I'm just waking up, in my pajamas and everything. I took a personal day, because I still wasn't up to face reality. My mother and Shawn had actually stopped by. Shawn's stopping by was interesting, and needed.

Once he realized that I was going to open the door, he sat by the door and told me everything that happened in Chicago. He told me how excited he was when he first put his daughter to sleep. Apparently Christina couldn't tell him shit after that. It was a funny and cute story, and you could hear the pride in his voice. He was going to pick her up later on and take her to the park. He just talked to me, even though he knew that I wasn't going to respond to him.

I turned my phone back on and walked away. I would give it time to do what it had to do while I took an extremely quick shower. Once I got out, I checked my phone to see missed calls from Coach Phillips. I wouldn't have cared if they weren't while I was in the shower. I figured I'd call him back.

"Hello? Bey?" He answered.

I could hear noise behind him. "Where are you?"

"I'm still in the building."

"Okay. Why are you calling me then?"

"There's been a problem with your last class."

I chuckled a bit. "Not possible."

"So Monique and Joshua getting into it doesn't sound possible?"

"What?" I asked him with anger.

"They sent me there because of a disturbance, and when I got there, he was on top of her."

"On top...what kind of on top? Were they fucking in my class?!" I boldly asked him.

He laughed. "No. They were fighting."

"I find that hard to believe. Is anyone going to take their statements?"

"I'm not sending them to the office. I know how you are. I'll just let you handle it, but if you want me to, I can send them."

"No. I'll handle it tomorrow."

"You okay?"

I smiled a bit. "I'm fine. And no, I haven't forgotten about the club."

"Can we discuss it over lunch?"

I thought about it for a moment. "How about Wednesday?"

"That's cool. Sorry to bother you on your day off."

"It's fine. Thanks for not sending them to the office."

Coach and I talked a little bit more about rather things before I told him that I had to go. Go where? No where. But, I really didn't like talking on the phone as long.

I went to the kitchen and prepared myself a sandwich. I was going to use the rest of the day to grade late work. It was really now or never.

In the middle of working, I got real curious. Maybe too curious. I logged on that little social network site. Twitter. The kids had set up me a page that I never used, honestly. It was just for when students graduate and want to keep in touch afterwards. I opted for Facebook, but that's apparently lame.

It didn't take me long to find a video of the entire thing. Immediately, I was furious. The video was simply Monique standing in front of Joshua's desk, threatening and demanding him to hit her. Meanwhile, the boy told her numerous times that he wasn't going to hit her.

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