Attack him if you want

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~The next day~ 

Zero stood at the moon dorm gates as it was crossover. The girls went wild just to see the night class students and especially Kaname. The large gates opened slowly and the screams from the day class became louder. The night class students then began walking out of the gates slowly in a line holding their books under their arms. 

Kaname turned his head and looked at at Zero making the hunter look away from him quickly. Kaname made his way over to Zero and got to close to him making Zero take a step back. "kiryu I just wanted to say sorry for last night." Kaname said making the hunter turn around so he was facing the cheering girls. 

"Alright girls you can have Kuran." Zero said and all the girls jumped on Kaname happily trying to touch his face. 

Zero then walked away from the scene leaving Kaname watching him like a hawk. 

~That night~ 

There was a knock at Zero's door making the hunter slowly open it to see Cross. "Is there something you need?" Zero asked curiously making the older man sigh. 

"Yes I got word from Yuki that you allowed the girls to attack Kaname." Cross said firmly making the hunter roll his eyes in boredom. 

"So?" Zero said making Cross glare at him. 

"Your job is to stop that not allow that. I'm giving you a warning today Zero but Kaname was hurt luckily is was only scratches by the girls nails and nothing more." Cross said making Zero nod. 

"Fine then I will do my job." Zero said and went to close the door but cross stopped it with his foot.

"And I expect you to apologise to Kaname." Cross said before taking his foot out of the doorway and allowing Zero to close the door. 

'There is NO WAY IN HELL I will be saying sorry to him over that!' Zero yelled in his head and then laid on his bed taking a big sigh. And now his head was filled with Kaname. 'Great.' Zero thought to himself and then put his earphones in and began listening to loud music. 

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