Chapter 5: "Whatever it is i like it."

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Harry’s POV

“It’s beautiful,” Cara whispered, we were at the guitar center while Niall and Ashley had their time to themselves. We were looking at the CDs and talking to one of the guys that worked here. The crowd of girls outside was growing by the minute so shutting down the store for us made us very grateful. Cara had ventured away from us I guess because when I turned she was focused on the huge wall of instruments.

I watched as she took down the dark red guitar. Another worker walked up next to her. I inched my way a little closer so I could hear them. “I see you found my favorite item on the shelf, it a-,” He started

“BC Rich Mockingbird ST Electric Guitar.” She finished his sentence, her eyes glowed with excitement She adjusted the instrument as she sat on one of the benches.

“Can you play?” he said grabbing another one off the wall and sitting across her.

“Since I was 7.” Her fingers were placed at the neck of the guitar as she slung her arm over the body, soon she had a small cord playing.

“I know that song.” He said adjusting himself.

“Really?” she questioned,

“Yeah,” he got up and brought 2 cords and portable amps. They plugged in and he sat back down, “It’s Bangarang by Skrillex right?” she nodded, “Can we play it…together.” Her smile shined brightest I’ve seen and her eyes started a small crinkle at the corners showing it was a true smile. I nudged the guys to get their attention.

(watch the video on the side and you’ll understand the next part. If you cant see the YouTube video on the side tweet me @tweetsbyalexis and I’ll send you the link!!)

The passion that was played by her fingers was shown through her eyes. We sat and watched as she played the complicated tune as if it was as easy as a nursery rhyme. The worker stopped playing and joined us in observing her.

When she stopped she smiled, “I love these guitars, they don’t have many like this in the part of New York where I’m from.”

“I knew I noticed an American accent. Where did you learn to play like that?” he asked, it felt like they forgot we were here.

“In my foster home, I had a roommate who played. Over time he taught me some stuff and it became something I fell in love with.” She was in a foster home? What else don’t we know about this girl?

“He must be one bad ass lad.”

She smirked looking down at the instrument. “He was.” I took in the word, ’was’. She got up and we split up again, I watched as she laughed and chatted with the worker. Not knowing what I was doing I found myself looking at her frequent.

“Being a bit of a stalker mate?” Louis slung his hand over my shoulder snapping me of my gaze.

“W-what no ha.” Wow nice save Styles.

“Really, then why do you have a Taylor Swift CD in your hand.” I looked down and saw her face on the front, my feature turning into a sour mood as I remembered that period of my life, I wish to never go back I’m still reminded everyday with the name HAYLOR thrown at me on twitter.

“I was just-,” I tried to think of a comeback to save myself but failed with Louis interrupting my stutter.

“Okay Haz whatever you say.” He clasps my back and walked off. I put the CD down and walked over to the 2 of them laughing.

“…in case you want to hang out sometime or just talk,” I see I’ve just walked in the middle of something as he hands her a note, she smiled and looked at the small white piece in her hand, “I’m Daniel by the way.” He held out his hand, she placed her hand on his. He brought her hand closer to his face and kissed it, what a cliché move.


(A/N if you don’t know Cara is pronounced ‘Car-rah’)

He walked away, leaving her in the piano section. “So I see you’ve made a new friend.” She jumped now realizing I was next to her.

“Uh yeah,” she smiled not reaching her view to meet mine.

“Can you play?” I said looking down at the piano. She shook her head; I sat on the small bench and patted the space next to me. She slowly pulled her legs over and placed herself next to me. As our knees brushed she moved them as far as she could from mine.

I started to play a soft tune as she looked at my fingers gliding across the keys. I stopped and grasped her hand and reaching over her back to the other placing them under mine. Her cold fingers followed as I placed them on the white rectangles and pressed down making a simple 2 symbol beat. I moved the other hand and played a different melody. I could see her start to smile.

I looked at her, the way her blue crystal eyes held their own shine and her smile even brighter. The way she lightly bit her lip in concentration, she looked at me and I realized I stopped moving. She stared in my eyes as I watched her smile slowly fall.

Not thinking I leaned in and my lips pressed against hers. They were soft and cold, I found it weird she was always at a loss of body heat. I closed my eyes taking in her touch; I felt her fingers intertwine with mine and squeezed them lightly.

I opened my eyes and saw hers still closed. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. Her lip was captured in between her teeth again as she held worry in her eyes.

My body had a mind of its own and I leaned in again closing the space, feeling her lips against mine. My hands let go of her hand and placed mine on her hips leaning in harder.

What on earth was I doing, whatever it is I like it.




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