Chapter 6: "Cheater"

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“Cara are you listening?” the sound of Louis accent cut me off from my black out state of mind.

“I’m sorry I-I” I hated my nervous stutter; it gave me hell during high school and still is.

“It’s okay; I was just telling the lads the scheduled songs we are supposed to rehears. Best Song Ever, Live While we’re Young, What Makes You Beautiful, and C’mon C’mon.” I nodded and looked back outside the tinted window that hid the sunlight.

My mind wondered to a week ago at the CD shop. After Harry kissed me it was awkward I got up and walked over to Liam, trying to forget. When we got home I went to my room and stayed there trying to figure out how the hell I always make life complicated.

Giving the fans the news was the worst. Management made me my own Twitter and that was a mistake, all I get is hate and people telling me what a screw up I’m going to be.

On the flip side I and Ashley are getting a friendship started, well as long as I don’t go near Niall while she’s around. We went shopping with Kam; Ashley gave me the whole inside story on her and Niall’s relationship while we walked through Victoria Secret. While in there I also found out Niall prefers the color red than black…as in underwear.

Then I remembered Daniel brought up how I learned to play, his name already hit the heart as I remembered the best friend I grew up with in that old foster home.

“Cara?” Niall snapped me out of my mental conversation.


“You don’t have to say you’re sorry,” I exhaled, “are you okay?” he continued.

“Yeah, I just have a lot on my mi-,” I started but was cut off.

“We’re here.” Harry said, I and Harry aren’t at good terms right now. Seeing he didn’t get the reaction from the kiss he wanted.

We got out and walked through the arena doors, we were rehearsing for a gig to start off a new tour. Walking through the wide open building was breath taking. The stage was huge and made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“Race you to the stage!” Niall said clasping my back knocking me out of my gaze.

“You’re on Horan, Liam can you count us down?” I looked at him and smiled while he nodded.

“1…2…3 GO!” we took off Niall inches ahead as I closed my eyes and tried to push harder. I laughed as Niall yelped, praying I won’t fall as I ran up the stairs. I cheered as I was seconds ahead of Niall, winning one of the little competitions we have.

“Cheater,” Niall said as he leaned over gasping for air.

“Sore loser.” I retorted earning a nudge to my shoulder.

The sound of drums scared me making me wince and jump behind Niall. “Josh!” Niall shouted at the guy on the upper level. He ran down jogged over to us.

“Josh this is Cara our 6th member, Cara this is Josh our drummer.” Niall introduced us. I held out my hands as he did the same joining me in a friendly hand shake. I couldn’t help but find him attractive and charming.

The next thing we were interrupted by a tune I remember hearing everyday when I was younger. I turned around and saw the guy with the same guitar I remember Daniel playing at the shop.

The way he played, the tune, the way he walked, his hair, “Dan?” I let out, still playing he picked up his head with a smile but as he saw me his toothy grin faded. The tears jerked up and stung my eyes.

“Cara?” his now deeper voice I remember rang in my ears. He set down the blue instrument and we started to walk to each other, till it turned into speed walking till I was full on running.

When I felt his arms wrap around me the tears spilled out. “Dan is it really you?” obviously it’s him or I’d be running into a complete stranger’s arms. I could smell his heavy sent of mint that he always had, I could feel his finger tips dig slightly into my sides as they hold me tightly, the way I can feel his chin tickle my shoulder as they press into the pressure point.

As he let me down I opened my blurry eyes and saw the same dimples chin I saw when we were younger. I smiled as I had to tilt my head up to capture his blue eyes.

“Cara,” he kept his mouth open not able to catch the words to say, and I can say the same. I wrapped my arms around him, barley tall enough to where my forehead is an inch taller than his shoulder.

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