Chapter 8: "terrifying memories"

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Cara’s POV

“Ms. Streight, please have a seat.” We were in the room with numerous new business people. I sat on the seat across from them, “It seems we have made a mistake.” He says folding his hands, resting his chin on the grip.

“A mistake?” My heart is ready to pound out of my chest.

“I see that this is a too sudden in the boys’ career and could put them in a critical era.” Wow thanks Sherlock Holmes I really understand.

“I’m not following.” I sat up a little straighter.

“We need you to sign this.” He slid over a paper and pen. ‘FORM OF RELEASE’ I read the bolded words. As I read on the long essay like document it says I’m causing disturbance and becoming a problem.

“What did I do?” I looked back; the thought of leaving Dan when I just got him back worried me.

“Mr. Styles said-,”

“Said what, that I refuse to give in, I refused to kiss him back, I refuse to move so fast. Tell me, what did he say?” I griped the arm rest tightly.

“Cara you have been harassing Mr. Styles and repeatedly snuck into his room while he told you in politely to stop, which you refused to comply. Now-,” I stood up making the office chair hit the brick wall and stormed out with the faint words of ‘call security’ from Steve.

As I got out to the arena my eyes were almost blurry from the tears that ran down, Harry is talking to the guys on the other end of the stage. “Cara?” I pushed past Dan and was ready to kill him.

I pushed Liam out of the way catching him off guard and Harry’s smirk wiped away as I began throw my fist at his chest. Niall and Louis pulled me away as I tried to push with all I had to get to his face and punch him square in the face. My body was lifted and my feet kicking against the tall body. Wiggling myself down I ran to Harry and hit him where I hope it scars him.

With a groan Harry went tumbling down holding his shaft, face turning red. “I hate you I hate you I hate you!” I screamed, stronger arms pulled me into the air. “No let me go! You can’t do this to me, I did nothing wrong!” I pounded the back of the figure.

“Wait, Paul stop!” we stopped moving, my body slowly pushed down and held by my forearms. “What the hell is going on!?” I looked behind him seeing Louis and Liam helping Harry up. “Cara what the hell!” Niall cupped my face letting the tears catch up with me and spill out.

“What did I do Harry, what did I ever do?” I yelled through the sobs.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” he said still in pain, good.

“Cara look at me.” I was brought back to Niall’s eyes, “Explain.” I looked back to Harry seeing his worry feature, as badly as I want to out him I can’t find the strength.

“I’m leaving.” I felt the pain in my chest grow.

“What?” he stood straight up, just as confused as me.

Paul turned me around and headed for the door. What happens now, where do I go? “Ms. Streight,” Steve was waiting for me by the door with a pen and paper. I didn’t hesitate to sign. “Paul will assist you in gathering your things at the house, have nice day.” Have a nice day, ugh I so badly wanted to kick him in the privates.

The car was quiet, the stinging in my eyes got worst every second. “what really happened?” I looked up from my phone and looked at Paul through the rear view mirror. I looked back to my constant buzzing phone.

“I didn’t kiss him back.” I shut off my phone, the numerous text and calls from Niall were tormenting me. He didn’t reply and stayed in the comfortable silence. Getting home had to be rock bottom; I was out in five minutes since I haven’t had time to unpack. With the sound of the zipper loud and clear I cringed.

Taking my key and dropping me off at the airport was it. Paul left without a word, looking around it feels like nothing would be the same. I sat on the hard rough chair in the waiting area. What was I going to do? I had no money for a plane ticket nor any where to go here. I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes.

“Maybe she’s dead.”

“Or she’s just asleep.”

“Shake her.”

The loud whispers of numerous people woke me. Still in the position I fell asleep in, I looked up to see the 2 men I dreaded seeing again. I tried to slide away from them quietly while they were bickering at each other. A foot away from them I jolted out of my seat and ran, hearing them yell my name behind me built my adrenaline and I tried to run faster.

I looked back seeing them slow down, confused but grateful they did till I knocked into a hard body, tripping me to the floor. His dark brown eyes and black hair flooded the terrifying memories back in my mind.

“Hello beautiful, miss me?”  

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