Chapter 10: "so let's get started"

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Niall’s POV

‘No no no no no don’t do it Liam, don’t do it Liam’ I tried to say but the duck tape held it in. How did it go from a bad day to a horror movie?

Cara could barely stand and it didn’t help that she was coughing up blood. I could see the shakiness in Liam’s hand. “Do it, I don’t have all day…Oh wait I do.” The laugh that he let out was nails on a chalk board, “But I don’t have the patience, so get on with it.” Not able to talk is boiling my blood including Liam not able to protest due to tape.

Brendon grabbed Liam’s hand and guided the knife faster, he tried to jerk his hand back and move but with the sound of the gun clicking stilled Liam’s body. Closing his eyes, I could see Cara start to come to and realize what’s happening. She started to crawl away till Brendon signaled the other 2 men to hold her down.

“Please no, no please. Brendon please why are you doing this, I loved you.” Her cries became louder and panic was clear. All of a sudden Brendon stopped and looked at her, with a snap his fingers Liam was shoved harshly back into the chair and retied.

“You what, you loved me? If you loved me you would have showed it!” his voice rose making her cringe.

“I did love you, then you started to hurt me. What happen to you?” I could see she was trying to get him to calm down.

“You never told me you did.” He made the 2 men let go of her.

“Because I was afraid you wouldn’t say it back, I always loved you. You were too busy hurting me to see. You turned into a monster.” I could see the way she regretted the last five words as she bit her lip.

“A monster? A MONSTER!? If you think I’m a monster I’ll bloody show you one.” His nostrils flared, grabbing her by the hair. My head started to spin and my vision blurred, all of a sudden the memories of that one day came into play.

“It looks like the little dipper.” Cara exclaimed as we looked at the stars. She had convinced me to take an adventure to the roof and look at the stars; I say it’s the most relaxing thing I did all break. I couldn’t help but let my conscience speak for its self.

“So you and Liam?” I said remembering seeing them in the garden 2 nights ago, with Liam holding her.

“No, it’s not like that.” She let out a long breath, “I was going through some bad memories and Liam just happened to be the closest ear that was happy to listen to my sob story.” I could hear the sadness but as I look over to her it was pure sweetness.

“Do you think they like me?” her voice shook me out of my gaze,

“Yeah, well Zayn hasn’t stopped talking about you since that one day you and him had that artsy moment. Harry, well let’s just say he’s trying to act like he doesn’t, you know after that whole kiss thing.” She sat up and looked at me nervously,

“Don’t worry, we know Harry can be a bit pushy with his actions and besides Louis said you didn’t kiss back, right?” Louis never said that, I just need to know.

“Right.” I wanted to believe her but her voice held a bit of uncertainty. I decided to ignore the little voice in my head and stray away from the subject.

“Liam likes you too, I see the way they look at you.” I sat up with her and kept my eyes on the sky,

“D-do you look at me like that?” her nervous soothing voice was heaven to my ears. I looked at her seeing she was already looking at me with her blue eyes that I felt were so much more clearer than mine.

“sometimes, there are time I find myself wondering what you’re thinking when you look over the songs, or when your drinking something the way you look like you’re savoring every but of the taste. When you blush you try to hide your smile but your dimples show through it.” ugh what was I saying she probably thinks I stare at her all the time.

I looked down and fiddled with my hands, a moment later I felt her cold soft hands cup my cheek and direct me to her beautiful eyes. As we looked at each other my heart picked up but stopped the moment I felt her lips on mine. When I didn’t feel her presents anymore I opened my eyes from the blissful kiss to see her just staring at me with a blank look.

“Cara?” she started to cry and scream out of nowhere. What’s happening this wasn’t what happened.

“Mr. Horan shall I have to give you another blow to the stomach or are you going to join us in this new game?” I blinked a couple of times to the sound of Brendon’s voice. Looking around I finally remember where we are, then it hit me I can feel the air being sucked into my mouth.

I look around and see that the lads all have their mouths free too. Then I see it, her…Cara. Her delicate eyes red and glossy with tears falling nonstop like a waterfall. The top of her once white bra now red from the blood that fell from her nose, lip and mouth.

“Cara everything’s going to be okay.” Finally I managed to get words out.

“Is it Neil is it.” the way he played with my name disgust me. “Well would you all like to hear the rules of this new game?”

“Just leave her alone, she has done nothing wrong.” I look to at Liam as he tried to get out of his bindings.

“Ah ah ah not so fast you haven’t heard the rules yet, so let’s get started.”

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