Chapter Four

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"Oh my…You guys live here?"

Tony turned and smiled at her. "Actually, Thor, Captain America and Hulk are the only three permanent residents. I stay in Stark Tower. Clint and Natasha tend to stay with SHIELD." He turned back to face the window, smiling proudly. "She's a beaut, isn't she?"

"You need to find something else to do with your money." Bruce said, focusing on turning up the long driveway.

Tony gave him a sarcastic smile."Such as gamma radiation research? But that's your field!"

"Ha ha, very funny Stark." Bruce replied, parking. He got out, followed quickly by Tony, Logan and Hope. In the car behind them, Xavier, Scott, Jean and Reed piled out, each grabbing their bags and following Tony up to the front steps.

He grabbed the door, throwing it open with  graceful flair. "Hope, I give you….the Avenger's Mansion!"

They stepped through the giant double doors, Hope and Logan wide eyed as they stared around them. A giant entrance hall stood above them, easily two stories high. A large balcony stood at the far end, with stairs leading up and down. To the left was a doorway to a large living room. Hope looked to the right and saw a long hallway, which led to a kitchen.

"Greetings, heroes." A robotic voice chirped, and Hope and Logan jumped.

"That's just Jarvis." Bruce said with a warm smile. "Don't worry, scared me the first time, too."


Everyone turned to look to the living room, where two people walked out. The first was very clean-cut, all-american looking. He wore only a white t-shirt and jeans, yet it was obvious he was very fit. His warm smile calmed Hope down, and she looked to the second man just as he looked at her. Their gazes connected and she froze, unmoving in the entryway.

He was tall--much taller than the other men here. His long blonde hair reached his shoulders, matching his blonde beard. Her eyes slowly travelled down his length, taking in the casual blue fitted suit, leather chest armor, worn in boots. His muscular frame made him seem larger than life, almost god-like. When her eyes made their way back to his face, she found him watching her with an amused grin. She blushed deeply, looking away.

"You didn't tell us you were bringing guests!" The first man said, stopping in front of Tony with his hands on his hips.

Tony looked around. "Didn't I? Oh, I'm sorry. Well, they're only staying for a day anyways. Guys, meet Steve Rogers, aka Captain America." Steve nodded to them, and Tony pointed to the second man, "This is Thor, from Asgard."

"Pleasure meeting with you." He said, deep voice echoing around them. Hope's breath caught in her throat as she avoided eye contact. Logan glanced down at her with a questioning glance, and she shook her head, taking a step closer to him.

"Steve, Thor, this is Scott, Jean, and Logan. They work with Professor Xavier, whom you already know. And you guys know Reed." Tony clapped his hands together with a broad grin. "And, introducing the star of the show, Hope!"

Hope gave a small smile and wave, shyly not saying anything. Steve nodded to her, then looked back to Tony. "Star of the show?"

"Oh, yeah." He nodded. "Well, you know those fiery rains and everything on the news?"

"Yes." Thor said, "They did not seem characteristic of this realm."

"Well, they are!" Tony gestured over his shoulder to Hope with his thumb. "We think she did it, but she says she didn't, so now we're here testing her powers." 

"Well, just lay it all out, why don't ya." Reed said, and Bruce shook his head. "I'll meet you guys down in the lab…"

Tony turned to smile at the group. "Make yourselves at home! Testing begins in an hour, guest rooms are down the hall, and if you need anything, Jarvis is always there."

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