Chapter Ten

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Hope shifted, mind waking up before she did. Quickly, she sensed multiple beings in the room with her, and pulled back her awareness, only wishing to feel their presence. This new ability would take some getting used to.

She opened her eyes, first seeing Thor standing at the back corner of the room. She smiled and he returned it, then her eyes refocused and noticed Tony and Bruce in front of him, Johnny and Logan off to the left, and Xavier with another man off to the right.

"So you're Nick Fury." She said quietly, pulling herself into a sitting position. "I wish we could have met under better conditions."

Fury wasn't phased one bit that she knew his name. He nodded, remaining in the same position as he had before. "Ms. Banner. Nice to meet you as well."

"I'm glad you're well, Hope." Xavier said, smiling at her. "Do you remember what occurred in the forest at the battle?"

Hope nodded, drawing her legs into a criss cross position below her. She was sore, how long had she been asleep for? "Yeah, I do. Look, I get it if you guys are mad, but the pain was unbearable. It had to stop."

"We're not angry, Hope. Just surprised." Tony interrupted. He crossed his arms in front of him. "We had no idea you could do that. Honestly, it was kind of freaky."

Xavier continued, "We also wanted to let you know that Idril is gone. She left as you passed out--"

"I know." Hope stated. "I can't feel her anymore. Her barriers are gone."

Tony and Bruce glanced at each other, and Xavier asked, "So you are aware of what really happened?"

Hope nodded slowly again. "How I basically chose the path that didn't lead to the world ending? Yeah, I know. I also know she told all of you." She closed her eyes. "I know everything, now."

"With your new found knowledge, do you have anything to say about your powers?" Fury asked, narrowing his one eye.

Hope smirked. "Yeah. I don't know how to control them, yet, but I do know everything I can do now. It's amazing what all she was hiding from me."

"With that being said, I have a proposition to make." Fury placed his hand on his hips, stepping forward. "I'd like you to take up a position here at Xavier's school, until you've mastered most of your abilities. After that....I'm offering a formal invitation for you to become a part of the Avenger's Initiative."

Everyone looked at him, Johnny bursting out, "What?"

Hope's eyes widened. She was definitely not expecting that. "What?" She asked, echoing Johnny.

"You heard me." Fury said with a small smile. "We think you'd make a great member of the team."

Hope looked to everyone, then back at Fury, excitement barely contained. "I'd love to! Oh my God, thank you!"

Fury smiled, nodding. "It's my pleasure. Now, I'll leave you to get some rest. I'll be back in a few months to check in on you and see how you're getting along." He turned towards the door, nodding as he walked out. "Gentlemen."

Tony followed after him, a barrage of questions escaping from him. Bruce smiled at Hope, then followed him out, Xavier wheeling along behind him.

"Come on, kid, let her get some rest." Logan grabbed Johnny's shoulder, and he pushed Logan off. "I can walk myself, thanks." He turned and gave Hope a smile, tossing the beanie he had in his hand to her. "I'll be back tomorrow after you've slept a bit more, as if two days isn't enough." He smirked, then walked out behind Logan, attempting to flick his ear.

Thor watched them all go, then turned back towards Hope's bed, taking a seat in silence.

"What, you aren't going with the power squad?" She asked, smirking. Thor smiled, gaze remaining on the floor.

"No. I wish to remain with you for a while longer, if that is alright with you." He quickly glanced at her with a worried look, and Hope giggled and nodded. Thor smiled again, then added, "I wished to tell you that your abilities were impressive this past week. And above all else, your moral stance outshone every other mortal's I've met. Save for Captain Rogers."

Hope laughed again. "I doubt anyone's morals are better than Steve's."

Thor scooted a bit closer to her, taking her hand in his. "You've amazed me, Lady Hope. And if it were alright with you, I would like to begin courting you."

She stared at him, then started laughing, leaning backwards against the bed frame. Puzzled, he asked, "Did I make a joke?"

She shook her head, calming down her giggles. "No! No, you're okay." She pushed her dark hair behind her ear. "It's just, it's not really courting here. It's, ah, more called "dating" and you go out together."

"Oh." Thor shrugged. "Then I wish to take you on a date, Lady Hope."

"And I'm perfectly okay with that, Sir Thor." Hope responded, smile as wide as her face. "One condition, though."

"And that would be?"

"Stop calling me Lady Hope. It's just Hope."

Thor grinned at her, gripping her hand tighter. "As you wish, Hope."

Hope smiled at him, but was distracted. Just outside the door, Logan stood listening, anger brewing in his mind.

He turned away and walked down the hall, denying it was jealousy. He didn't get jealous. He was Wolverine. Hope was just one girl, one girl out of thousands he'd met, and he had a thousand more to meet.

But none compared to feelings he got around her.

With an audible huff, he turned and walked out of the school, looking for Scott's motorcycle. He needed a joyride.

Hope drew her mind's awareness back to the moment, and smiled at Thor as he excused himself. She leaned backwards, relaxing into the bed. She smiled at the pile of clothes that now lay on anchair in the room. There was a suit, donated by the Fantastic Four, so she didn't burn what few clothes she had. There was another pair of sweatpants, black this time, and a blue t-shirt, and a green sweatshirt. There was one pair of jeans, probably unhappily donated by Rogue, who was closest to her size. And on top of all that, hung on the arm of the chair, was a red and black plaid flannel. Smiling to herself, she realized that was the flannel Wolverine was wearing when they first met. She settled back, pulling the hat Johnny had given her before he left to try it out. Everything was right once again, she felt.

Even so, she couldn't sleep comfortably. There was one thing that needed taken care of first.

- - - - -

"Are you sure you aren't mad?"

Eric shook his head, smiling. "You stopped the fighting. And according to Idril, you saved the world. Of course I'm not mad."

Hope smiled, looking down to the grass she sat in. She was in the back of her mind, speaking with her brother's spirit who had awoken along with her new abilities. She had assumed he'd be only a memory, but here he was: alive and walking. Well, in her head. He seemed a bit different, but she assumed he had just grown up along with her, so he was bound to be different. "I didn't know your powers could do that. It scared me."

"It scares me, too. But look at it this way: you can feel spirits now. You can feel me again, I'm here, almost fully."

Hope snorted. "Wonderful. Now you're in my mind constantly, something every girl wants her brother to be."

Eric laughed, shoving her gently. "Shut up, Hope. You know you missed me." Then he grew serious, gaze focused on her. "You know, with your abilities, you can do amazing things now. I mean, controlling spirits...having mine in opens up new possibilities."

Hope's eyes widened as she looked at him. "Are you suggesting...?" That couldn't be done. It would mean risking his life, risking hers, giving up half of her abilities, not to mention she didn't think it was ethical whatsoever. He couldn't be thinking that. Eric wasn't the type.

Eric nodded, a smile growing on his tired face. "You could bring me back, Hope. You could bring me back to life."

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