Author's Note

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Hello again, everyone!

First of all, I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who's read and voted and commented on this story. Every time I get a notification it makes me smile, and it feel great to know that people have enjoyed reading this as much as I've loved writing it. So thank you. (:

Second, I just went through and fixed any grammar, spelling, and plot-hole errors I could find. So if that was bugging people other than me, you're all good to go!

Third, I wanted to let everyone know the second story is up, if you haven't seen it already. It's a prequel of sorts to the story here, providing a little more background information because I thought she and Eric's origin story was just too good not to write. It also is going to have some foreshadowing of the future, so look out for those. (; 

I have so many big plans for what I want to do with these characters, so stay tuned! I'm currently writing the second book, have the third book outlined and the fourth book is being planned as we speak. I hope you're all as excited as I am!

The second book can be found on my profile, and it's called Marvelous: Creation. Any other updates on this series from here on out will be announced through there.

Again, thank you so much! See you on the flip side!

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