Chapter One

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"This color is absolutely horrible." I scoffed at the sight of the much too bright yellow that was covering a section of the classroom I would be teaching in. "Why not just leave it how it was?" I asked, looking down to meet Charles's eyes.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down so that I was sitting on his lap. "You're the one that said you wanted yellow." Charles chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. "When I said yellow, I meant like..." I trailed off and tried to think of what I said at the time. "Like a pastel yellow. Nice and pale. Not bright and nauseating."

Charles smiled and kissed the top of my head before wheeling us out of the room and down the hall. "You could put a poster or one of your paintings there to cover it. I think it would make the room feel more comfortable for you."

I hummed in agreement, absentmindedly stroking his chest as we headed towards the kitchen. "So, when do we open the school?" We stopped moving and I got off of his lap to sit in one of the chairs at the table.

"Whenever you want." He said with a bright smile on his face, causing me to smile as well.

"How about tomorrow? I know that doesn't leave us much time to prepare but...." I sighed and looked into his eyes. "I think we're ready."

Charles nodded and headed towards the counter, gathering two glasses and filling each one with water. "You're sure? I don't want you to get overwhelmed.... After all not much time has passed since-"

"It's been seven years, Charles. I think I'm okay." I said as I gratefully accepted the glass of water he was handing me before taking a small sip and setting it on the table. "Just promise me one thing?"

"Of course. What is it?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't make me teach history."

-- Time skip to about a year later --

I hate him. I hate him so much. He must think he's hilarious. I was stood in the front of the class I was teaching history to, quickly going through notes and other scattered papers. "One moment. I wasn't really expecting to be teaching this subject. My darling husband lied to me." A red headed girl in the back of the class raised her hand and I sighed. "Yes miss-"

"Grey." She interrupted before I could see in her head. "Jean Grey. Miss, the papers you're looking for are under the blue textbook. You placed them there this morning before we got here."

I looked down and lifted the book, smiling slightly as I saw she was correct. "Telepath?" She nodded slowly and I smirked. "Me too. Thank you for telling me." I cleared my throat and straightened out the papers, using my powers to pass out books to everyone and turning them to the correct page. "Alright. So, who wants to start?" I looked up and saw a girl with pink hair that looked somewhat familiar. "Miss Amy Maximoff, go ahead."

She nodded and cleared her throat, but before she could start, a boy in the back of the class threw a balled up piece of paper at the back of her head. "You shouldn't have done that..." She mumbled. Suddenly vines broke through the windows and started slithering across the floor, catching everyone except Amy off guard. Everyone was too shocked to notice that the vines wrapped around the student's throat and began choking him, which caused an uproar of screams.

I clenched my fists and watched as the purple energy emitted from them, trailing over to the student. Opening my hands, I curled my fingers and used the energy to rip the vines apart. I huffed as the lifeless plants fell to the floor with a thud and I looked up at the class. "That's enough for today, I think." As the students stood, I noticed Jean stayed close by Amy, trying to calm her. I gave a weak smile to the girls as they walked by and out the door, leaving me in the classroom alone.

"What happened here?" The voice of Hank asked, startling me.

"Oh, you know. Student misusing her powers. Shouldn't say I'm surprised. She is Peter's sister, after all." I said with a sigh while I fetched the dust pan and broom from the closet. "Haven't seen you out in the light in a while. I was starting to think you were becoming a vampire."

Hank chuckled and walked over towards me. "Want help?"


-- Time Skip --

I was stood in mine and Charles's shared bed room in my pajamas, staring out the window at the night sky. "Sometimes I wish it ended differently." I whispered to myself. "That you would still be here maybe." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Erik why don't you just come home....?" My eyes shot open when I heard the door creak and I turned to see that Charles was walking into the room. Yes you read that correctly, walking. "How are you...?"

"I took a small amount of the serum. It'll last only about an hour or two." He said, clicking the door shut behind him.

"Why though?" I asked, walking over to him. "Is it what I said a couple weeks ago? Because I was joki-" I was cutoff by Charles's lips meeting mine, causing me to sigh happily. When he pulled away, I looked at him dumbfounded. "This is all so confusing..."

"It will make sense, trust me." He said quietly as he backed me into the bed. "I've never heard your thoughts going this wild before." He chuckled.

"So you can walk, and you can still use your powers? What the fuck, Charles." I gasped out as Charles's lips met my neck and his hands pulled my sleeve past my shoulder.

"Small amount." He repeated, moving his lips to my jaw.

I whined and groaned when he stopped, only to be surprised when he ripped my shirt off. "Damn, we should go months without sex more often."

A/N: SOOOOO!!! This is a chapter that has nothing to do with the movie, this was allllllll me ;) The enxt chapter might be diving into the movie but I'm not entirely sure yet. So, we met young Amy Maximoff [Peter Maximoff's sister and Erik's daughter (but his daughter with who?) and she can manipulate plants!] We met Jean, found out she was a telepath, and I made Charles get all hot and bothered.

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