Chapter Two

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When I awoke, sun was shining brightly through the creme colored curtains in small rays of warmth which caused me to hum happily and pull the thin sheet up to my chest as I rolled over and faced a very disheveled Charles. "Morning, Mr. Spock."

He opened one eye and gave a lazy smirk. "Morning." Charles sighed and rolled over so he was laying on his stomach with his head facing me. "So, I have a question about last night before I walked in..."He propped himself up with his elbows as I moved hair out of his face. "I heard you trying to reach out to Erik. Why?"

I sighed and pressed the back of my head against the headboard, folding my arms over my stomach that was covered by the duvet. "I wasn't reaching out to him, I was talking to myself. You know I can't do that yet... And even if I could I-"

"You're rambling to avoid the question." Charles scolded with a low chuckle.

"I... I want him back home." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

"Beth...He's the one that did this." He said gesturing to his legs that now were once again paralyzed as the serum wore off. "And this..." Charles gently placed his hand on my hip and I closed my eyes, knowing he was right. "He's the one that injured you and made you require a hip replacement."

"I know but-"

"Beth..." Charles frowned and lay his head on my chest which caused me to instinctively play with his fluffy hair. "I'm not saying that I don't want him to come home." He sighed as I watched his head slowly rise and fall with each breath I took. "I just don't want you to let it upset you."

I nodded and pat his head so he would look up at me. "I won't." He sat up and met my height at the headboard. "I do have something to tell you that you didn't give me a chance to last night. Amy Maximoff tried to strangle a student in my class yesterday."

--Time Skip--

"You told on me?"

"You were a danger to the students and myself yesterday. I had to tell Professor Xavier. What was I supposed to do?" I asked in disbelief that this conversation was happening as I was trying to teach today's class. "Amy your class isn't until later, please just calm down an-"

"No! You're such a teachers pet, you know that?" Amy scoffed, storming out of the room and probably to her room.

I sighed and folded my hands together, turning my back to the class and heading over towards the window. "Okay, so, I've decided to just let you guys watch a movie until the end of class." I clicked on the movie and turned off the lights, heading back over to my desk.

"You're not a very responsible teacher, are you?" Hank's voice came from the doorway. "But it's kind of convenient because I need your help with something."

I looked over my class with a quick glance and nodded. "Okay, I'll be back, enjoy the movie... Don't set anything on fire or something. Please?" I requested before walking out of the class room, clicking the door shut behind me. "What do you need help with?"

"Oh that was just an excuse to get you out of class."

"Ah. Okay... So why did you need to get me out of class?"  I asked while folding my arms over my chest, but before he could answer, I felt the presence of Alex down the hall. My eyes went wide and I jogged away, Hank following suit. His back was turned to me, so I took that as an opportunity to jump on. "You. Need. To. Write. Me. First!" I shouted while smacking his chest from my place on his back.

"Nice to see you too, Beth." Alex chuckled, putting his arms under my knees to support me.

I hopped down, my shoes making a small smacking noise as they hit the ground. "Scott?" I asked, taking him into a huge bone crushing hug before moving to take the bandages off of his eyes, only to have my hand in a tight grip by Alex. I whipped my head around to stare at him, noticing the worry etched onto his face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Scott's voice said, causing me to look back to him. He gave an emotionless chuckle and shook his head. "I'm a mutant. I can't open my eyes when they're not covered or I'll end up killing someone."

I took a step back from him and breathed out a laugh. "Cheerful. Let's go get the Professor."

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