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A/N: Skip to 0:11 that's when the song actually starts.

--A couple days after the end of X-Men: Apocalypse Canon--

"You were gone for ten years with Erik and I thought that was the worst of it." Charles spoke quietly, giving an emotionless chuckle while running his hand down the ghostly white body of Beth as she lay there on the metal table in the med bay. "I wish I would have known what was ti come.." He choked out, a tear falling from his eye. He reached over and took her icy cold hand away from her stomach and into his own warm hand. "I don't know what I'm going to do." He sniffled and brought her lifeless hand to his lips.

Charles kissed it gently and rubbed his thumb over the wet spot gently. "Pathetic, I know." He whispered with a watery smile. He placed her hand back over her stomach, slowly as if she would break under his touch. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, moving his lips down to her own one last time. "I'm sorry, though. That I couldn't save you... that I couldn't save Amy..." He paused and closed his eyes momentarily. "We found her under a lot of rubble. She wasn't with us anymore. Peter lost it..." A familiar sting came to his eyes and he cleared his throat. "Jean brought her back...I don't know how but, she did." He sighed, running a hand down his face. "She couldn't figure out a way to bring you back... We've tried everything." A small moment of silence passed before Charles gave an emotionless chuckle. "I don't know why I'm telling you this..."

Charles wiped a small piece of hair away from her face, careful not to smudge the makeup that Raven had put on her for the burial. He put his index and middle finger to his temple just to see if he could hear anything. When that failed, Charles dropped his hand to his lap as if it had finally sunken in that the girl he loves was truly gone. He began wheeling away, taking one last glance to her still body laying out on the table as if she were a doll.

Another tear fell from his eye, signaling that he should go up to their-well now his-room and lay down for a bit to calm himself. He reached up and flicked the light off and wheeled down the shiny metal hall, the door to the basement closing securely behind him.

The now dark medical room was filled with silence, the only sound being the hollow buzzing of the lights in the hall and echoes of children upstairs, until a loud shattering noise sounded.

The bulb in the lamp by the door had burst, all of the glass falling to the floor with little jingles. The heart monitors caved in on themselves, sparks emitting  from them as they did. The lights in the med room turned back on, only to flicker until they too burst into sparks and glass shards.

Everything in the room except for the table Beth was on began to shake, knocking things over in the process. Countless tables and cabinets crashed to the ground in an explosion of the supplies that they held.

The whole room was trashed, glass and papers everywhere. A purple color began to glow through the darkness, lingering around the room in a little dance.

The items in the room began to shake once more, cracks forming in the walls and up to the ceiling.

Dry wall was falling and papers were flying while the commotion continued.

Suddenly it all stopped, items that were flying fell to the ground in startling noises, papers floated back to the floor and the purple stopped and disappeared completely.

Seconds after all of the commotion, the table that Beth Xavier was laid out on began to shake. Once it came to a halt, purple eyes snapped open.

 Once it came to a halt, purple eyes snapped open

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