Chapter Three

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A/N: So, I won't be able to update on Tuesdays, Saturday's or Sunday's because I'll be with my parents as they are off from work on those days. I will be able to update the other days though. Also, I don't know how accurate the dialogue will be because no one released a transcript for the movie yet since it's so new... ALSO! Someone DMed me asking why the school opened the day before Alex and Scott arrived. Well... it didn't. I forgot to put a time skip. It's actually been a couple of years since the school opened. Beth's hair in this chapter is in the image above.


I held hands with Alex and Scott as we made our way to Charles's classroom, swinging our arms as we went. I smiled when I saw Charles spinning his chair to look around to room whilst he read to his students.

"Professor?" Hank said quietly, gently tapping on the doorway.

Charles didn't hear so I narrowed my eyes as a smirk appeared on my face. I released Alex and Scott's hands, shooting the book out of Charles's hand with my power before shouting, "Class dismissed! Professor Xavier is needed elsewhere!"

His students looked to him and he nodded before shaking his head with a small smile on his face. "Only you, Beth." He said, moving his wheelchair towards us.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine." I said, walking into his classroom, tidying it up with my powers. I smiled as I watched the purple streams flow throughout the room, putting books back onto the shelves and stacking papers neatly on the front desk.

"She's really gotten control over her powers, huh?" I heard Alex ask behind me.

"Oh, yes. She's quite brilliant, isn't she?" Charles answered, causing my face to grow warm.

Once everything was in order, I walked past the boys and began to walk backwards. "Come on, then!" I ordered, accidentally bumping into Jubilee. Her book fell to the floor and I mentally cursed myself for being such a klutz. "I am so sorry, here." I said, picking up her book and handing it to her. She smiled and jogged over to Jean, who was waiting for her at the other end of the hall. A pain formed in my chest as Jean waved to me before she walked off with Jubilee at her side. It's been a few years since seeing her again and I still haven't told her or Charles about her being our daughter.

"Smooth." Alex said from behind me, causing me to jump. He put his hand on my shoulder, guiding me to walk with him and the other three. "So, how have you been?" He asked while we walked towards the entrance of the mansion.

"I've been fine. Your hair looks terrible." I pointed out, flicking a piece. "Too long. I prefer you with short hair. And since when is it brown? I thought it was blond. What's this madness?"

Alex looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Coming from the girl who once told me that she wanted to live in a chocolate house. You're the one insulting me?" He chuckled when I punched his arm and jogged over to Charles.

I hopped on the back of his wheel chair, holding onto the arm rests. "Did I miss anything?"

"Chocolate house?" Hank asked, looking over to me.

"Alex, I hate you." I said over my shoulder. I looked back to Hank and rested my chin on top of Charles's head. "I was young-"

"Nineteen really isn't that young." Scott said.

"I'm going to kick you." I snarled, pinching Charles's shoulder upon hearing him chuckle.

--Time Skip--

Once we were outside, I jumped off of Charles's wheelchair and moved to stand next to Scott. "Alright, let's see what's so bad about this Mutation you have." I then stepped behind him and undid the bandage on his eyes. "Okay, ope-" The sudden burst of light coming out of his eyes cut me off, making me jump and watch in shock as the stream of red hit the large tree across the water. The bandage was taken from my hands as I continued to stare at the tree while smoke wafted off of it.

I was so shocked that I didn't even realize Charles was talking until the tree split in half and fell to the ground and he said, "I think that was probably my favorite tree..."

"Does that mean I'm expelled?" Scott mumbled.

I smiled and put my arm around his shoulders. "Nope. It means you're enrolled."

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