Chapter 8

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I hate tragedy 8

So Kyle what's up with the boy i saw this afternoon
which boy ?? I ask

The boy on hoodie
I ignore pretending i didn't hear what she said

We were in my room,eating pizza and coke, so much for having a lazy friend 1st she can't cook second she can't order good food.

The boy next door Chris repeat
Which boy next door I pretend acting like I still don't know what Chris is talking about
i saw him leaving here on my way in

Oh she mean Adan Naomi answer
You know, the cute Adan that just left

Gosh i feel like throwing this girl out through the window.
You have got a big mouth,hope you know that.
Yea i no she stand up looking at the mirror and thats why all the boys want to taste it.

Ewww gross

so his name is Adan. Chris ask
Yes I answer

Yes Chris, Adan... he's cute right? Naomi jump into our discussion again
Yea he looks nice and i bet he's a good boy Chris reply
He better be because Kyle' is already crushing on him Naomi said

Are you for real ???,Kyle when did that happen..chris ask

Can you guys just stop it,am right here you know and Naomi I don't want to hear a word from you again.

what?? She argue
don't what me, not another word from you.

Okay then the truth hurts anyways. And with that she burst out laughing.

What's funny i ask
She stare at Chris through the mirror.

Oh God Chris you need to see the way Kyle was acting like a 6years old
you don't keep a lady waiting. Hahahahaha she burst out laughing.

Okay that's it she's done enough
can you please get out of my room I say sounding angry

She look at me through the mirror trying to decipher if am joking or not,you are chasing me out ? she ask


She ignore and keep applying more of her lipstick
Yes I repeat and i mean it get out

Okay then she move away from the vanity box walking towards the door then she turn back i was expecting her to say sorry and we move on even though am not really mad at her.

Are you really sending me out...she ask
Oh this girl is stubborn I know it will take 3 guys to make her say sorry but an not giving up yet.

Yes please leave for now.

She let out a breath I didn't even know she was holding
Kyle she call
yes i answer with a bitter look.

She open her mouth to say something.

Yes....yes finally she think she's tough but am tougher just say the sorry and let's move on i say to my imaginary self

She close her mouth as if she can hear everything i was thinking.

Kyle...what I answer
can you say what you want to say I don't have time for your child's play

Okay i will go but I just want to tell you am hungry and I order Chinese so can i grab some cash from your purse .

And with that i grab one of my minions and stone her before she can quickly run out of the room.

We ended up laughing and at one point or the other adding to my injury. When she mistakenly hit me or vise versa


It's Sunday afternoon both Naomi and Lucie are in turn to nurture me so we spend all day gisting and watching movies.

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