Life bites. Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Come here Jaimie." He purred, "I promise I won't hurt you." I looked down at my hands that were scraped from my palm all the way to the top of my middle finger. Yeah, he wasn't going to hurt me, just kill me. How stupid did he think I was, whoever this maniac was? Slowly and very quietly i stood up. He couldn't see me though because I was behind a huge oak tree.

Suddenly I heard a big snap, I had stepped on a twig. I started running, even though I had no idea at all where I was was taking myself. I just needed to get far enough away from this lunatic as possible. Out of nowhere, someone jumped in front of me and I crashed into them. I fell onto the squishy forest floor and looked up. There, standing in front of me was a fragile looking girl with long blonde hair that went down to her waist. It was in loose curls and she had a white rose in it. She had high cheekbones and deep hazel eyes. The girl was wearing a short red dress with a black belt around her waist. Woah she was gorgeous. She made me look ugly.

" Corey, must I do everything? I mean really, this one isn't even that fast and you still almost let her get away!" She said. I turned my head back to see the man that had been chasing me before. He had short black hair that flew around his face in the wind and a face that looked like an angel had kissed it. His eyes had a hint of danger in them and his body was obviously god given. But still, he scared the crap out of me.

" I could've caught her." he mumbled, " I was just playing." The blonde girl didn't look convinced.

" Didn't mother ever tell you not to play with your food? Seriously, I thought she would have taught you better than that!" Corey slowly looked down and started shaking. His face became red. " You are not the boss of me and this is my food! You cannot tell me what to do and you definetely can not embarrass me in front of my supper!" He bellowed.

The girl just laughed. I looked around and noticed that Corey and the girl (whatever her name was) didn't seem to remember that i was lying on the ground in front of them. Instead they stood there arguing.

Sneakily, I crawled to the side while they were fighting. Once I was far enough out of veiw I got up and looked around. Hurredly, I started to walk back to my house. It wasn't that far away from the forest so if I ran then it should only take me about five minutes. It was cold out and my jacket was... where exactly was it? I remembered putting it on before I went on my walk, but from there I didn't remember at all.

Tomorrow I was going to the mall though so I could just buy a new one. It wasn't like my dad wasn't a multi-billionaire, because he was. But that didn't mean that I had to be stuck up and rude like all the other rich kids at my school.

Suddenly the itching feeling that ment I was scared creeped up on me. I didn't really think of it before but why were those people calling me their food? Were they cannibals or something? The thought was really freaking me out and I wished I would've just stayed home and ate popcorn and watched movies with my boyfriend Jeremy like he suggested.

Rounding the corner was the best feeling ever because the releif that flew through me felt like a wave of water going over me on a really hot summer's day. Excited as I was, I still only walked. As much as I wanted to run into the house and flop onto my bed with a cinnimon bun and my cat Kait, I slowed down even more. When I had stopped walking completely I turned around.

I didn't know why I did it though, there was just this voice inside my head telling me to slow down.

A small growling noise came from the bush beside me. I turned back around and ran as fast as I could, which was like hell. Tears were coming from my eyes because I was so scared and I was breathing hard. Half a block is a long way to run if you aren't in very good shape. I stumbled up my steps and turned the doorknob.

The smell of lemon, strawberries and kiwi greeted me. Mom and all her air fresheners drive me crazy alot but this was so not one of those times. It was really scary knowing I could have died tonight. I trudged up my stairs to my room on the first floor.

The first thing I noticed when I opened my door was the guy sitting on my bed.

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