Chapter twelve

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I'm updating three chapter today since I'm going to be at my friends house and I'm not going to be updating while I'm there.

Carl pov

My dad and I walk to a house, and I begin to clear he rooms. "Carl. Carrlll." He shouts, his southern accent dragging out my name, making it sound like coral. "Yeah, dad?"i see him in the living room, and he pushes the couch against the front door. "So the walkers can't get in. I'll finish clearing down here. You go upstairs and clear the rooms." He orders me. I nod, a swank up the stairs, creaking with each step I take.

I clear the rooms upstairs with ease, since there being no walkers. I walk into the boys room, and see comic books scattered around the floor. They're all mainly superhero, but I see one that's about a zombie apocalypse. How ironic. I pick up the comic, and begin to read it.

When I finished, I tear it apart, and look for a match to light it on fire. That was the most retarded comic book I have ever read. Basically, the zombies were green and ripped peoples heads open with their razor sharp nails, and ate their brains. They walked around saying "brains, brains." And the only way they turn was if someone ate their brain. How could they talk if they had no brain? In the end, the main character poisoned hhis brain, and fed it to every zombie, ending the apocalypse. I walk into the master bedroom, and see a photo album and I open it. The first picture is of two teenagers on a date, then the same two at a prom, then the two teenagers as adults, and the man is proposing to the girl as she nods, he final picture on the first page was them at their wedding.

I flip the page, and see a picture of a baby boy wrapped in a blue bundle in the woman's arms, and she cries tears of joy. My eyes begin to water, and a picture of a grave begins to send salty tears down my face. The grave was of the woman, and there was a smaller grave beside it. It was a boys name, Andrew. The day he was born was the day before he died. The mom died of birth and I don't know what the baby died from. The next picture is the dad with another woman, then it's of the woman, then the boy sitting next to his mother, and what was going to be his little sibling. I slam the album shut, and throw it across the room. I let out a frustrated cry, and begin to sob on the floor.

I'm not crying because I'm weak. I'm crying because I've been strong for too long. I've had to be strong for lots of people. Dad, Judith, the younger kids, the older kids, the adults, Hershel.... Kaylin. Just the thought of her makes me long for her touch once more. I would give anything to hear her voice again, or to see her face. I would even die for her, walk off the edge of the world for her, because I love her with all my heart. Always have, always will.

Daryl POV

Don't look back. Don't cry. She wouldn't want you to cry. Dixon's don't cry. Come on Daryl, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. "Can we stop?" Beth asks, her voice snapping me out of my trance. I grunt in response, and we cut through the trees to a clearing where there's a house like the one I grew up in. "We can stay the night here." Beth perks up. "Alright." I say. I kick open the door, crossbow ready for anything, alive or dead. When it's cleared, I whistle for Beth to come in, which she does. She takes a look around the house, and gives it a disgusted look. "could be worse." I say, snapping her attention to me. "I grew up in worse." I say, looking down. "It's just..." She picks up something, "who would buy THIS?!?" She shrieks. "I'll tell you who, my dad." She looks at me horrified, and puts down the pink bra shaped clay sculpture for cigars to be put in.

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