two // edited

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 "When I'm with you, my heart never lies"

The next few days were eerily quiet. For these few days, Barry was just a CSI, not the Flash. With no major distractions, he was able to sort through his feelings for both Caitlin and Iris. So far, he didn't talk to anyone about any of his feelings, but he needed to now. To let it all out, he arranged to go to Jitters with Joe.

When he walked in that morning, Joe was at the table with two coffees, one of which he was drinking. Barry waved to him and then sat in the chair across from him. The coffee Joe had bought him was delicious. It may have been the same one he got every day but it always hit the spot. Even more perfect, the caffeine was just the right dose to give him the adrenaline boost he need to work his confidence up. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Joe asked.

Barry took a deep breath in and then started to explain. He started from the day he and Iris started to date up until a few night ago when he was looking up at the ceiling in bed after stopping Earth 2 Everyman. Joe was in deep thought after this explanation, trying to find the right advice. 

"I think you need to do what your heart is telling you. Don't over think it. I can't give you my opinion because my opinion doesn't matter here, it's whatever you think is right. You're the only person that can know," Joe gave Barry some much needed advice.

"How will I know?" He asked.

"You'll just know, trust me," Joe tried to help as best he could but he knew this was Barry's decision.

The conversation ended as his phone rang with a call from Cisco. He gave Barry some vital information about a meta-human attack that was going down this moment. He hung up swiftly and gave Joe an all-telling look. He knew what he was thinking and nodded, giving Barry permission to go.

He ran to STAR Labs to get the information he needed and his suit. When he arrived, the team gave him the address and Barry was off. Caitlin hated to see him go because she was never sure if he was coming back or not and the thought of him not coming back was terrifying. The wind he generated when he zoomed out blew all the papers around as well, meaning she had to reorganize the papers on the desk every time he came in or out of the cortex using his speed.

When Barry arrived at the location he saw a familiar face, Silver Banshee. He had defeated Silver Banshee, along with Livewire, on Kara's Earth.  When Barry saw her open her mouth, he quickly plugged his ears, remembering the piercing scream and the bloody ears that followed. He needed the earplugs he had developed the first time they fought. Knowing he would lose this fight without them, Barry ran back to STAR Labs.

Caitlin and Cisco looked at him with confused looks when he arrived back in the cortex only a few moments later. Barry completely forgotten to tell them about his time with Kara, James, and Winn.

"Remember when I was testing the tachyon device to see if I ran faster? Well, I ran so fast I traveled to another Earth where none of us existed. I met some pretty cool people. One was Kara, who is an alien that has heat vision, super strength, speed, and she can fly. She calls herself Supergirl. The behind the scenes people, like you guys, are James and Winn. Anyways, we fought these two metahumans and one of them, called Silver Banshee, who could scream so loud that it made your ears bleed, so I created earplugs that made us unaffected by her scream. I just need to do that again and then I can stop her Earth 1 doppelganger," Barry explained at a rapid pace.

"Ok, well get on it!" Cisco said, just before sneezing.

Suddenly Cisco erupted into a sneezing fit. Caitlin felt his head and then went to grab a thermometer. He rolled his eyes and put the thermometer in his mouth to please her. Just a few seconds after the thermometer beeped. Caitlin took the thermometer out of his mouth and sighed. It read 101.3. She suggested he go home and he was beginning to object when he began coughing like an old man. Cisco, regretfully, left to avoid anyone else getting sick. 

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