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"No matter where you are, I will find you"

"Cisco you're a genius!" Barry shouted with a little hope in his voice.

Cisco offered to get the tachyon device, so that's what he did. Joe and Wally decided to give him and Iris some space, so they went with Cisco. Iris walked over to Barry and wiped away the tear that was slowly falling down his cheek.

"We'll find her. I know this has to be hard with your dad and all, but don't strain yourself, ok? Whatever happens, I still love you," Iris said with a calming voice.

Barry only nodded. He couldn't tell her about him and Caitlin now, it would be too hard for the both of them. Iris gave him a slight smile as Joe and the others walked in with the tachyon device. Barry put it on his chest and gave everyone hugs before running.

Barry ran through the city, searching for Caitlin as well as waiting for a breach to open. As Barry ran down the street to the police station he saw a blue pocket form in the air. Barry smiled as he ran towards it. He ran right into it and then arrived in a field of grass that he recognized as the spot he first met Kara. Satisfied, Barry ran to Catco to find Kara.

Caitlin had gotten sleep, despite all the pain that was constantly ripping through her body. When she woke up, her captor was standing in front of her. She sighed expecting more pain to come her way.

"No more pain, but the temperature in here will rise and rise until it becomes too hot for you to handle. Then the temperature will drop until it becomes too cold for you to handle and then the process will keep repeating itself," Her captor explained before leaving the room.

She felt the temperature rise and rise, just like her captor had said. Her blood started to boil and she became dizzier and dizzier until she finally just passed out.

Barry put on some normal clothes that he had boughten from a store so that he looked like a normal person. He entered the door to Catco Worldwide Media and went up the elevator. Barry felt bad for smiling a little bit, but he hadn't seen his friends in a while. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Barry walked over to Kara's desk. Winn hadn't noticed him and James couldn't see him from his office.

"I have a problem, do you think Supergirl could help?" Barry whispered, putting emphasis on Supergirl.

Kara looked up, obviously confused. "Barry?" Kara asked.

"Hey!" Barry exclaimed.

"How are you here?" Kara asked, embracing Barry.

"Well, my girlfriend, Caitlin is missing and she's not on my Earth or Earth 2, so I thought maybe she's here," Barry explained.

Winn looked up and smiled seeing Barry.

"Well I think we could be of some use to you," Winn said, giving Barry a bro hug.

The three smiled and went up to Kara's "layer" that was in an empty room inside the office. James met up with them a few seconds after they had arrived. James smiled when he saw Barry and gave him a bro hug as well. Barry explained the whole story to them.

Winn searched through security cameras with James while Kara and Barry went out on the streets. Kara stopped dead when Winn started to talk into her earpiece.

"I think I found her, if what you're describing is right. Check the warehouse on the vacant street on the edge of town," Winn informed her.

Kara filled Barry in through their earpiece. Barry started running and Kara flew above him, following the yellow lighting zipping through the streets.

Caitlin woke up to a fully heated room. She was sweating unbearably, only getting relief when a cold tear would run down her face. She looked up to find a vent that had to be the source of the heat. She tried to move her chair, but it was glued to the ground. She was too weak to try and get the chair off the ground.

Suddenly, the air changed to freezing cold. At first, it was a relief, but then it got too cold. She could swear the blood on the floor was frozen. Her captor never came back in for obvious reasons, but she was he would tell her he would turn off the extreme temperatures.

Barry and Kara stood outside the warehouse. They didn't really have a plan but to get Caitlin. The two superheroes went inside and found dozens of soldiers with guns. The soldiers quickly pointed their guns towards the two but did not shoot.

"I'm looking for my friend. Her name is Caitlin, anyone seen her?" Barry asked sarcastically, but the soldiers shot at them. "I guess not." Barry and Kara began to fight the soldiers.

Barry took each of the soldiers guns and Kara fought them off. After the had successfully defeated each soldier, Caitlin's captor walked into the room.

"I'm guessing you're looking for Laurel, Tommy," Caitlin's captor asked.

Barry tilted his head and then realized she must have given him the names of two of their fallen friends, smart. Barry smiled in his head. Damn, I have a smart girlfriend, Barry thought.

"Yeah, we are," Barry confirmed the captors suspicion.

"Yeah, you can't have her. Anyways, I know your name is Tommy and I, of course, know Supergirl. My name is Johnny Quick, I'm the Flash on this Earth, but I'm not a hero," Johnny explained.

Caitlin heard fighting and gunshots in the distance. Barry! Caitlin thought. All of the sudden the gunshots stopped, which could mean two things, Barry stopped them and is coming for her or that he got shot. Caitlin went to the worst place possible and started to sob as the temperature dropped.

Kara and Barry looked at each other as if they could read each other's minds. Kara flew to Johnny and threw a few super punches. Barry went behind Johnny and tripped him. Kara punched him a few more times until he was knocked out. Barry and Kara found a steel door that was locked. Kara used her super strength and pulled it open.

Caitlin couldn't see anything, but she heard a few people fighting, which gave her faith that Barry was still alive. Just like the last time, the fighting stopped and Caitlin became nervous. She heard the door to her private Hell trying to be opened and then the noise stopped. The door broke open, letting light into the dark room.

"Caitlin?" Barry shouted into the room, hoping for an answer. 


Dear readers, 

AHHH I LOVE THE ENDING! Can't wait to write the next chapter! It will probably be up in a few hours or so. 

Follow me on Instagram - Flash.xoxo

Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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