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"I really, really, like him. I just don't know why I need to let go"

"You're moving?" Barry shouted, making Caitlin flinch, "Is it because of me?" Barry asked, lowering his voice.

"No, it's to be closer to family," Caitlin lied.

Barry nodded. "When are you moving?" Barry whispered, not wanting to shout.

"I'm looking at a house tomorrow," Caitlin sighed.

Barry only nodded, not only was he going to lose the girl, but he was going to lose a valuable member of team Flash. Caitlin must have thought Barry had nothing left to say, so she walked off. Barry watched as she became silhouette once again and then disappeared in the dark night, leaving Barry alone in the park at almost 3:30am, cold, and without a jacket.

All Barry wanted to do was sit down and cry and sleep, so he found an empty park bench and sat down. The bench was a little wet from dew, but Barry stayed on it anyways. He let a few tears fall before he laid down.

"I'll just lay down for a minute," Barry whispered to himself as he closed his eyes.

Caitlin snuck back into her house. She climbed right into bed, forgetting she had Barry's coat on. Thankfully, Felicity was dead asleep so she didn't wake up to any of the sound Caitlin made. Caitlin didn't bother to change, so she fell straight asleep.

The Next Day

Barry woke up with a chill. He could feel the cold wind up against his cheeks as he sat up on the park bench. It had to be pretty early, maybe 5am, because there were a few joggers but no families. When he finally realized what time it was he ran home to ensure everyone there he was ok.

Going to STAR Labs proved to be too depressing, so Barry went to work. He wasn't scheduled, but why not put in extra hours. Working on something that didn't involve the Flash was a nice distraction for Barry.

Caitlin was about to fall off a cliff, or maybe she was being shaken awake. Thankfully, she had been in her room the whole time. She saw Felicity looking down at her, hands on hips, and eyebrow raised.

"What is that?" Felicity pointed to the jacket still on Felicity's shoulders.

"Nothing," Caitlin mumbled as she got up.

After getting up, she got ready while Felicity packed. It wasn't long before Caitlin dropped Felicity off at the train station before going to look at the house.

Caitlin looked at the one house she had found online. It was more beautiful than she imagined. The price was good, she doesn't have to do any renovations, and it was far away from Barry. After talking with the owners and all the necessary people, she bought it.

Joe had tried to ask what was going on with Barry, he was off all day, he couldn't do the simplest equation. Barry shrugged Joe's question off and backed out of the conversation quickly.

Caitlin felt happy, something she hadn't felt in a long time. On her way back to Central City she stopped at Home Depot for some boxes to pack her stuff. As she passed the train station she watched a train head towards Star City, which made her think of the blonde haired friend she had dropped off earlier in the day.

Barry decided that he needed to talk to Caitlin before she left so he ran to her house. Seeing the for sale made Barry uneasy. Caitlin was trying to get boxes into the door but ended up dropping them all on the patio. She bent down to pick them up and Barry rushed to her aid.

"Need some help?" Barry looked up at Caitlin, causing her to look up at him.

Caitlin nodded after hesitating. Barry picked up the boxes and set them in the house.

"Why are you here?" Caitlin asked as she entered the house.

"I wanted to talk," Barry began, "when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow I can move in but only if I'm ready," Caitlin explained.

"Before I go, I have to say this. I love you and I always will, so when you come back to visit know I'll be here waiting. I love you," Barry told her.

"I love you too," Caitlin whispered as she inched closer to Barry's face.

The two lips connected. It was a soft connection that was nothing more than a touch. It wasn't intimate, it was a split second. Caitlin closed her eyes as she slowly pulled away and then there was a gust of wind. She slowly opened her eyes, Barry was gone, just as she would be tomorrow.

Caitlin hadn't even started packing by the time she went to bed. She had started but never got past three boxes. As she was sleeping she felt a gust of wind and she thought she heard footsteps. She slowly got out bed and tiptoed out to the living room. In the living room was all the boxes stacked neatly and full. On the empty kitchen counter was a rose with a piece of paper.

Dear Caitlin,

I will miss you. They say you never miss someone, you miss the memories you made with that person, but that's not the case here. I mean, sure, I'll miss the memories I made with you, like karaoke or Monsters Inc, but I will miss YOU too. I'll miss the way your smile can light up the darkest rooms even if they have no light. I'll miss the way your dark red hair gently flows in the wind. I'll miss the way you held me in your arms. I'll miss the way you made me feel invincible. I'll miss the way your eyes would look into mine and somehow my worries and stress would go away. I'll miss the way you could hug or kiss me and the world would stop. I'll miss the way your lips moved in perfect sync with mine. I'll miss everything about you, not just the memories. I love you Cait.




Dear readers,

*THE NEXT CHAPTER IS GONNA BE NINE MONTHS LATER* Comment down below what gender and names you want for the baby!

I just saw Finding Dory and holy crap the feels!


Maybe I should write Stydia fanfic, that would be cool. Maybe.... just maybe.....

Comment and Vote!

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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