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"My love for you was bulletproof, but you were the one who shot me"

"Barry!" Caitlin screamed as she bent down to check him.

Caitlin checked his pulse, still there. She felt his head, no fever. She didn't understand what happened to him. She tried her best to get him up onto the extra hospital bed they have. After many attempts, she finally dragged him on. As she waited for him to wake up she called Joe and Cisco to inform them of the situation. Cisco seemed reluctant to get out of bed, but Joe was on his way over from the moment Caitlin said "Barry".

Before anyone had arrived, Barry woke up and Caitlin was sitting right next to him when he did. He looked around and smiled when he saw Caitlin's face lit up with a soft smile.

"Don't you dare do that to me again!" Caitlin shouted.

"What happened?" Barry asked.

"Your glucose levels are down so you fainted when you saved me from the bullets. Were you running for the past thirteen hours?" Caitlin asked as she checked the clock hanging on the wall.

Barry nodded. Caitlin was prepared to give him a lecture but running for thirteen hours straight deserves an award.

Joe walked into the cortex and sighed in relief when he saw Barry. He walked over to him as Caitlin got up.

"Could you give us a minute?" Joe asked Caitlin.

Caitlin stepped out into the hallway to give them space. Joe handed Barry a bag of Big Belly Burger and began to talk.

"Don't you dare do that ever again!" Joe demanded.

"Sorry," Barry said with his mouth full.

"Are you ok?" Joe asked with a much calmer voice than before.

"Yeah. I mean I just can't help but think this is all my fault," Barry sighed.

"Barry, none of this is your fault," Joe tried to explain.

Caitlin walked back in to grab her phone really quickly. Joe stood up and told her she could stay. He went back to the police station to finish off some paperwork before he could get off work for the night. Caitlin sat down in the chair Joe had been sitting in to be next to Barry.

"Barry, can I talk to you?" Caitlin sighed.

"Of course, go ahead," Barry assured her.

"I love you," Barry smiled at her, "but I don't think I can be in another relationship where I'm in constant fear that the man I love could get hurt." Caitlin shed a tear and Barry wiped it away for her as one fell down his cheek. "I lost Ronnie twice and Jay was the same way before he turned out to not exist. I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can stand to feel that fear every time you walk out these doors."

Tears ran down Caitlin's face and a few had fallen from Barry's eyes as well. She got up and walked away, wiping each tear away. Barry wanted to get up and kiss her to tell her everything would be alright, but when he moved the room spun and he felt like he was about to faint all over again. A few more tears fell as he waited for her to leave so he could cry alone. When the clicks of Caitlin's heels disappeared Barry slowly brought his knees to his chest and cried into them.

Caitlin walked into the elevator and waited for the doors to close before sliding down the wall to cry. She brought her knees to her chest and cried into them. She wanted to open the elevator doors and go run into Barry's arms and kiss him, but instead she pressed the button to go down to the first floor.

A few moments after Caitlin left, Cisco arrived. Barry had stopped crying by then, but every once in awhile a tear or two would escape. Cisco walked in with two huge orders of Big Belly Burger and gave them both to Barry.

"Where's Caitlin?" Cisco asked, oblivious to the situation.

"She went home," Barry choked.

"She would never leave you here alone. What happened?" Cisco asked.

"She broke up with me because she doesn't want to be in another relationship where the person she loves could die at any moment," Barry explained, a few more tears came.

"Dude, I'm so sorry," Cisco whispered.

"I just want to hold her in my arms again," Barry whispered as more and more tears escaped. 


Dear readers,

So that happened...

Sorry for that adorable yet sad ending and for the really short chapter. Can't wait to write the next one, it should be on tomorrow afternoon or evening. 

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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