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"In that moment, I swear we were infinite"

Caitlin hadn't shown up for work. Barry thought that she just needed a little space but now he was worried. She hadn't been at work for four days. It was four days of Barry and Cisco sitting alone in the cortex waiting for a small crime or metahuman attack to come up. Barry would often glance at the dying rose next to Caitlin's computer. 

Cisco's phone buzzed, which broke the silence in the room.

"Robbery in progress on Jackson Street," Cisco informed Barry

"That's Caitlin's street!" Barry's eyes went wide.


Quick author's note - I completely made up Jackson Street. Sorry about that...continue as you were


Barry got into his suit and ran off to Caitlin's street, but ran back to STAR Labs to get his normal clothes on when he saw police cars arriving at the scene. He used his speed to run back to Caitlin's street after he changed.

When he arrived, everyone on the street was outside looking at two people in all black being put into the back of a cop car. He spotted one house where no one was outside, Caitlin's house. He jogged over without using his speed and knocked on the door. His leg was shaking and the nerves set into his body. Caitlin opened the door, but saw him and began to close it. Barry stopped the door with his hand and pushed it open a little bit.

"I'm technically the police, so you have to answer," Barry said with a small smile.

Caitlin opened the door and crossed her arms. "Technically, you're a CSI," Caitlin shot back.

"I'm also the Flash" Barry whispered.

"Still not the police," Caitlin pointed out.

"You're right," Barry admitted, "I'm much cooler than the police," he sassed.

Caitlin began to close the door. Once again, Barry stopped the door with his hand. Caitlin raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to make sure you were ok," Barry told her.

"I'm fine," Caitlin assured him.

She was staring into his eyes and he was staring into hers. Each of them wanted to go up and kiss the other but didn't have the courage. Barry, reluctantly, started to walk down the steps but quickly turned back around. He walked up to Caitlin, cupped his hands in her cheeks, and kissed her.

The world had stopped for the two. All the sound drowned out from around them, even the police sirens and the endless chatter. Their worries slipped away and the two had forgotten what had happened between them. At that moment, it was just the two of them, no one else.

When Barry pulled away he stared into the depths of her beautiful, brown, eyes. He waited a few seconds to see what she would do, but she did nothing, so he walked away.

"Allen! Get over here!' Captain Singh demanded.

Caitlin closed the door as Barry walked over to Captain Singh. Barry seemed pretty pleased with himself, but a little disappointed that she did nothing, while Caitlin was shocked. Barry did a little CSIing before heading back to STAR Labs.

"You were gone a while. Did you see Caitlin?" Cisco asked, trying to get Barry's attention.

"Yeah," Barry smiled.

"Well... What happened?" Cisco asked.

"I kissed her," Barry hummed.

"Are you two together again?" Cisco asked.

"No," Barry's tone went from happy to sad.

"Do you want to get back together with her?" Cisco asked.

"More than anything," Barry replied.

It was time for the two to leave for the night, so, they went their separate ways. Barry went back home, but Cisco went to Caitlin's house.

Cisco knocked on the door. It opened slightly and Caitlin peeped through it to make sure it wasn't Barry before opening it up all the way. When the door was fully opened Cisco gave Caitlin a quick hug. Caitlin allowed Cisco to go inside her house. There was a bunch of movies on the floor of her living room like The Notebook, The Last Song, etc. The couch was pulled out into a bed and the garbage can next to it was filled with tissues.

"Oh, honey, you know you're the one who broke up with him, right?" Cisco needed to make sure he understood the story correctly.

"Yeah, but breakups are always hard," Caitlin told him as she cleaned up the place.

"But you broke up with him. Anyways, I've heard the story of today from Barry, I wanna hear your side now," Cisco went right into the conversation.

"He kissed me," Caitlin whispered.

"But you aren't back together, so the question is, do you want to get back together with him?" Cisco asked.

There was a long pause. The air stood still and the world stopped.

"I..." Caitlin began. 


Dear readers,

I'M SO SORRY!!!  I'm sorry for saying I would update last night when I didn't, but, in my defense, I was at a Selena Gomez concert. I'm sorry for this chapter being really super short, I'm trying to make them longer, but I want each one to end a certain way.  Sorry for that author's note in the middle of the story. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. Ok, I'm not really sorry about the cliffhanger ;)

I promise I will give you another chapter tonight, so stayed tuned :)

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Love, the author, 

Elly :)

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