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"Now I understand why Peter Pan didn't want to grow up"

Revisiting Hollywood Studios to go on two rides with Natalie was so much better than waiting for an extra three hours at the airport. Natalie seemed to not be in the mood for it, though. Barry tried to perk Natalie up since she was so tired but she just wasn't in the mood. They all went on Toy Story Midway Mania and The Great Movie Ride together before exiting the park.

Natalie fell fast asleep on the way to the airport. Caitlin even ended carrying her through airport until she woke up in the security line. Barry set down the carry-on bags into the buckets along with his and Caitlin's shoes. He walked through the scanner thingy followed by Caitlin who was followed very closely by Natalie. They recuperated and then went to the gate.

They waited for what seemed like forever to board. Natalie was playing with her Ariel doll as their section of the plane was called up to board. Caitlin picked up Natalie and carried her onto the plane as Barry followed behind them.

Natalie sat by the window with Barry in the middle and Caitlin on the aisle. Natalie was able to watch a movie on the screens on the seats in front of them for free so Caitlin and Barry were able to talk.

"Did you hear Cisco and Iris went on a date last night?" Barry asked Caitlin.

"No, they didn't," Caitlin doubted.

"Apparently. I can't imagine them together."

"Wow, that's crazy."

"Yeah. So for Natalie's birthday on Sunday, we should get her a Prince Eric doll."

"She doesn't like Prince Eric for some reason that I do not know, but she does like Sebastian and Flounder. We could get her stuffed animals."

"I'll pick them up tomorrow since tomorrow is Saturday."

Caitlin nodded. She was super tired so she ended up falling asleep. She didn't wake until she heard the announcement about them landing in Central City in a few minutes. She started to stress that Natalie wasn't ready to get off but when Caitlin looked over she found Natalie all ready to get off and Barry helping her buckle her seatbelt again.

When they were finally back at home, they set down their stuff and headed over to STAR Labs to surprise everyone. When they arrived at STAR Labs though there was an awkward moment between everyone since Joe was there. He quickly left the cortex leaving everyone in an uncomfortable silence.

"So, how was Disney?" Cisco broke the silence.

"Fun!" Caitlin replied.

"Seems like she's already settled back in," Iris giggled pointing to Natalie who was watching Sofia the First on the tv.

"What's going on between you two?" Barry addressed the elephant in the room.

Cisco looked quickly at Iris who gave him a glare. "We're dating," Iris informed them as she sat next to her boyfriend.

"We're gone for five days and you guys end up dating, did we miss anything else?" Barry asked.

"Not much. Joe is still pissed, Wally is still pining for Jesse, and the metahuman everyone is looking for hasn't shown up," Cisco explained.

"Good to see nothing's changed," Barry mumbled.

"Well, it's pretty much dinner time so we can all head back to my place and eat . I think dad is at work," Iris suggested.

Everyone agreed. Caitlin and Barry took Natalie out to Caitlin's car as Iris and Cisco walked to their cars. It wasn't long before everyone arrived at the West house. Iris took the liberty of picking up three pies of pizza.

"It's been awhile since I've been here," Barry said as he looked around.

"I can't believe I had to pick up three pies of pizza for only six people," Iris said as she walked in.

"One of the pies is for me so therefore you got two pies for five people," Barry corrected.

Everyone sat down to eat. Natalie yelled, "I love pizza!"

"Me too girl," Cisco and Natalie put their pizza slices together as if they were champagne glasses.

"Daddy, why do you have a whole box to yourself? Remember, sharing is caring," Natalie asked as everyone but Barry erupted in laughter.

"You know how I can run really fast?" Natalie nodded, "Ok, well, I have to eat a lot so I don't get sick since I can run really fast.

"Oh, by the way, everyone should come to mine and Barry's place on Sunday for Natalie's party," Caitlin informed everyone.

Joe walked in the door after finishing his shift, causing everyone to become uncomfortable. He paused in the doorway as he looked around at everyone having a good time without him. As bad as he felt for giving Barry a hard time he knew he was right and he wanted to stick with it.

"Dad, um, we were just," Iris started before being cut off by Joe.

"It's ok, I'll come back later," Joe said before exiting the house.

The group forgot about Joe for a while as they finished. When they finished, though, it was a few minutes past Natalie's bedtime, so Caitlin and Barry took her home. Cisco and Wally stayed to help Iris clean up.

Barry was silent the whole way home. Whenever he saw Joe anger would rise in him and it stayed there. He didn't feel like talking to anyone or anything because he knew even the simplest sentence would tip him off and Caitlin somehow got that. She could see the look in his eye even if his face had a smile on it.

Caitlin tucked Natalie in once they were home while Barry sat on the couch looking at the blank tv. It wasn't until Caitlin came and sat down next to him that he broke from his thought. He looked over at her but then quickly went back to his thought by staring at the tv. Caitlin began to rub his back since she could see the tension from a mile away.

"You should talk to him," Caitlin suggested.

"I should, doesn't mean I will," Barry got up and went to bed.

Caitlin sighed before getting up and following him to bed. She couldn't sleep, though. She lay awake looking up at the ceiling as Barry turned back and forth next to her. She knew Barry needed to talk to Joe since it was eating up at him. Eventually, she fell asleep but Joe and Barry's relationship still lingered in her mind. 


Dear readers, 

Binge watching Dance Academy but I managed to give you guys a terrible chapter :\ 

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Love, the author,

Elly :)

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