Chapter 4 - Breaking Down Her Walls

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A/N - Okay, lets just say, this story is obviously slow as my main prority was my Obi story.  Sorry about that guys, but I am going to post all I have in this chapter and the next like maybe 2 or 3 more today before I leave.  I realize that this is my side story, but hey, gotta get something in right?


Alice soon woke up, she groggily opened her eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room and she went to sit up. Wincing as she did, she closed her eyes, trying to cope with the pain as she then felt the touch of warm hands on her arms, helping her up. Her eyes snapped open as she whipped her head around to meet with the eyes of Farlan. She blinked as she turned her head back down to her lap and sighed. Farlan slowly let her go and backed away.

"You scared me, don't just act without letting me know first." She sighed as she felt a light knock on the top of her head. Looking up, she brought her hand to her head, rubbing it slightly and met the glare of the ever emotionless Levi. He glared down at her and before she could mutter a word about his actions, his voice overpowered her own.

"The same could be said in your case. Not only do you leave without notifying us, but you need me to carry your half dead ass back here." Alice's eyes widened slightly before she slowly shut them and sighed. Her hand dropped back to her lap as Levi made his way to plop himself, none to graciously, on the other end of her couch, nearly landing on her feet. "Care to explain why the fuck your stomach made friends with a knife?" The crimson haired girl seemed to tremble and her face took that of a foreign look of disdain or.. Maybe it was terror? She then looked up with her carefree smile, one could hardly tell it was forced.

"A long time ago, back when I was a kid," Alice began speaking, looking towards nowhere particular with her eyes narrowed and a small smile plastered on her face the entire time, "and back when my brother was still alive, my parents ran out on us. They left us with a lot of debt, and since I was still so little, I didn't understand, nor could I do anything. My brother worked all the time, and the place that I went, that was where he would pay the money he earned. When he died, I took on that debt, and I went this morning to inform them I needed a bit more time since I hit a bit of a road bump. They didn't like that so, they took compensation a different way. It's normally like that though, it's just how things work around here. Can't hold your end of the bargain, and you'll pay the price."

Her eyes closed as her small smile still remained on her face. For some reason, Levi hated that smile. It wasn't as warm as Isabel's, but it wasn't as cold as Levi's emotions. It was in the middle ground, it had no temperature, it was empty and bare, it held nothing, just an empty void. It made his stomach churn. The shirt Isabel had put on earlier was a white button up, much like her previous one, but the auburnette neglected to button a fair bit of the shirt. Alice threw off the covers on her legs and swung around to push herself up onto her feet. The shirt fluttered out, exposing her skin to the three. Alice paid it no mind as she took it upon herself to turn and no longer hide her scars.

"The scars are real, the people fiction, the world a fake reality. That's how I see it, that's how I life. You three are simply a nice dream, a dream in this hellish void of a cruel world. This cruel, yet beautiful unforgiving world, I found a dream. But like all dreams, they come to an end." Alice merely turned around and stalked to her room. The shirt fluttered behind her, following in the wind from the speed of her stride before the door to her room was slammed shut. Levi merely sighed as Isabel raced to Alice's door and pounded on it with her fist, begging to talk, to let her inside. Farlan stood behind Levi, where he sat on the couch. Levi wouldn't admit it, but he found this girl, Alice, to be rather... intriguing.

Time passed, and with that time, 5 years had flown by. Alice was soon incorporated with Levi's group, much to Isabel's persistent nature. Alice had opened up, she joked around and she even developed a personality. She was sarcastic and sly, but she was a good companion to have around, she was special. She found a way to worm into everyone's heart, affecting everyone around her, whether or not she knew this or not was unknown, but she did none the less. She learned about many things, and she was even trained by Levi, Isabel and Farlan how to use 3DMG properly and damn, she could use them well. Everything stayed the same between the four, however, there was a hiccup along the course of everyone's interactions. Alice had wormed her way into Levi's head. He came to a point where he worried himself sick over her, and as sappy as it sounded, he didn't mind it. He kept an eye on her, kept her safe, taught her things that she could use to stay alive, anything. He knew what it was he felt, but dammit, he was not about to admit it.

It wasn't long before the prosperous and peaceful time with the group was shattered. They were stormed by the MP one day. They were looking for a certain criminal who had been dealing in illegal debt payments and stealing from different locations all over the different sectors. That person was Alice. She raced around the city, darting and scanning every corner. She hid in alleys, stalked by officers, and ran as fast as her legs would carry her, just to get back to Levi. Just to get to safety. Soon, she was cut off. She felt a sudden sharp pain her leg as it would no longer support her weight and she fell to the earth. Wincing she looked at down, to see a hook pierced through her leg with a wire attached to the other side. Looking behind her, a man to be in his mid-thirties approached her. His 3DMG that was at his hip was attached to her leg by a mere wire. She quickly turned herself around, ready to serve the wire with her knife she held, but suddenly was forced to the ground. A larger man was now sitting on her back, pinning her down. With a connection of his hand to her neck, she lost her consciousness.

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