Chapter 1 - And So They Met Her

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A/N - Okaaaayyyy. So jumping into a pretty decently sized chapter 1. Let's just see how it goes from here shall we. And I apologize if the trio towards the ends is OOC, I haven't got around to watching the OVA so I interpreted from what I read on the Wikia page. DON'T THROW THINGS AT ME TT^TT

Do try and Enjoy the first chapter of my, more than likely, trashy story XD


The idol gossip and chatter of the town seemed like simple background noise to a certain girl as she walked through the streets, her nose in a book as she snacked on a half eaten green apple.  She held her book open with one open hand as it rested on her palm, her apple resting in her other hand.  She expertly maneuvered as to not hit anyone or anything in the street despite her mind playing a scene from her book. She wore a loose button up, off white, shirt that covered her arms and torso. Her pants, brown, clung to her legs as her worn out boots kicked up dirt and dust with each step.  She also, quite oddly, wore a black cloak around her shoulders as a hood hid her face and covered her head. Naturally her appearance caused people to talk, but she was either completely oblivious to the murmurs around her, or just straight up gave zero shits.

As she walked, she walked by a small run down little house.  Through the open windows she could heard yelling.  It was an argument between a young woman and a man. The man was complaining on how he was unhappy and always working for seemingly nothing; then, after being told to leave, he did just that.  He stomped and opened the door gaining even more attention to himself as he clicked his tongue and slammed the door behind him stomping off somewhere.  The hooded girl noticed he was where a Garrison uniform, naturally. 

'It's always the Garrison who complain and whine, but when push comes to shove, they're weak and spineless.'

The girl continued to listen in on the house as to see if anymore problems would arise and sure enough she heard something.  She heard the weeping of a child as he asked his mother for food she couldn't supply him with.  The hooded girl outside then pulled out a small pocketbook she kept with her and scribbled down a short message before sticking it on the door without anyone noticing and then as she backed away from it, she tossed a rock at it, gaining the woman's attention from inside.  Once the rock collided the hooded girl then began walking as if she had never stopped.  The woman opened the door, her son clinging to her apron, as she noticed the note and pulled it off the door before her eyes scanned the paper, reading over the beautifully written message.

"I heard you..."

The following morning the woman woke to a rapping on her door.  Rising from her shallow and weak bedding beside her son, she opened the door to find a single paper bag, filled to the brim with green, ripe apples.  She looked around curiously to see if someone was around, but to her surprise, no one was there, not even a sign to show that someone had been there remained.  She then picked up the bag carefully and found a note laying on top of the bag. Taking it, she smiled as she read 2 simple words.  With these two words she could offer her beloved son at least something delightful to start off this day.

"...I listened."

Just as she turned to wake her son to feed him, she bowed to the air, silently thanking her hero, whomever they may be, and wherever they are at.  Not noticing the hidden figure hiding silently and still in the shadows of an alley, the figure of the hooded girl smiled as she pulled her hood down. 

She looked to be only a teenager, standing the age of 19. Her golden eyes gleamed off the early rising sun light and her red hair was dulled and dimmed by the shade of the alley's shadows. She closed her eyes and left for her house, flipping her hood back up before she walked on the streets again.  It was early so not many people were out, but you can never be too sure. Once she got to the security of her house, she undid the cloak on her shoulders, removed her hood and hung it up by her door.  She let her unusual crimson hair loose as she stretched and yawned.

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