Chapter 1 : Mum's and Butler's

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Chapter 1: Mum's and Butler's

"Are you sure you have everything packed" my mother questions.

"Yes Mum, everything is packed and in my truck" I roll my eyes as a smile creeps up my lips.

"Don't 'yes Mum' me with that attitude young lady " my mother scolds as I cant help at laugh. 

"Mum come on I need to go so I can beat traffic" I whine.

"Very well, have a safe trip" she finally lets go of me and I start to head to my GMC Sierra.

"Yes Mum" I reply not looking back.

"Don't fail any classes"

"Will do Mum" I assure her.

"Don't be scared and USE PROTECTION! "

"MUM! " I shout in disbelief since she practically gave me the okay for sex!

"What I was a teenager to at one point" she defends.

"Bye Mum LOVE YOU! " I shout as I turn on my truck.


I chuckle to myself and back out our drive way and stop at our gate.

"Have a wonderful time in College Ms. Reece " our family butler bids.

"Will I told you to call me by my real name, Ms. Reece is my mother" I roll my eyes playfully at Will.

"My apologizes Emily" Will laughs.

"Say goodbye to Sarah for me " I say referring to his wife who is our cook, she would be out here saying good bye as well but she's in London with her parents for the week. Will and her parents aren't on the best of terms so he stayed here in the US.

"Will do Emily" Will assures me.

"Oh and take care on my Mum please" I sigh.

"It is not only my job but my pleasure Emily" Will nods.

I unlock my door and hop off my truck and give Will a hug, "I'll miss you Will" I say in his arms.
Will has been like a father to me ever since birth, and Sarah is like a second Mum to me, with my Mum almost always working and having an absentee father Will and Sarah have played a Huge part in who I am today.
"I'll miss you too Emily, now shoo or else you"ll get stuck in traffic" he says drying his eyes with his handkerchief.

"Always such a girl Will" I scoff playfully as I climb back in my truck and back out.

I stop once my truck is completely off my drive way and wave to Will and my Mum who has now reached the gate.
I take a long look at the mansion.
I know I'll be back for holidays but I still cant help at recalling all the memories I've had here.
Some good,
Some bad,
But memories none the less.
To think, I lived here a good chunk of my life when I wasn't traveling or in England and now I'm leaving, on to College. Who would a thought, Emily Reece, the girl who threw awesome parties and was 4th generation Royalty from England, would be going on to College to study to become a Forensic Attorney . Huh, nope, I still don't believe it. And with that I roll down my window and turn up my music and start my journey to Richards University of New York.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aye how was the first chapter?

I know it was short but its good for a starting point, no?

Just a few things,

Richards University of New York is NOT real, but its supposed to be an Ivy League school for people with interests in huge businesses or law or medical professions.

Also I made her 4th generation Royalty just for fun and to see where it takes her.

Anyway that's enough for now ;)

Bree :)

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