Chapter 13 :Ice cream and Whip cream

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Chapter 13: Ice Cream and Whip Cream

"Easton slow down!" I giggle holding on to my brother as he continues to drag me through the market to get to our favorite tent.

"But sissy you're so slow! We need to hurry before Mr.Marlin runs out of vanilla ice cream!"

We giggled and ran our tiny legs as fast as we could . Soon enough we reached Mr. Marlins tent to find him laughing at the sight of us.

"Did you guys run away from Will again?" He asked with a chuckle. Every Saturday morning there's a market put on near the mansion. We always beg mommy to let us come but mommy's been to busy to bring us so she lets Will bring us to the market.

"Nooooo!" Easton giggles.

"Now what did I tell you guys about running away from me?" Will says popping out from behind Mr. Marlin

"Ahhhhh" we both yell and run to the other side of the tent. "How'd you beat us Will! We were super super fast!"

"Oh yes it was hard to catch up with you children" Will laughs then turns to Mr.Marlin, "Mr. Marlin I say we give the twins what they came for so eagerly this morning."

"Hmm I wonder what that could be?" Mr.Marlin scratches his head pondering as if he didn't already know.

"Ice cream!!" Me and Easton shout "we want yummy ice cream!"

"No that's not it."

"Yes it is ice cream is the best!"  Easton exclaims.

"Yeah the very best!" I chime in.

"Best in the world!"  We say in unison.

"Alright alright." Mr. Marlin laughs walking over to his freezer and pulls out our favorite ice cream which was already prepared and ready for eating. "Vanilla for Emily and Chocolate for Easton."

"Yay! Thank you Mr. Marlin!" We shout and start licking our precious ice cream.

Mr. Marlin and walks back to the freezer and pulls out a strawberry ice cream cone as well. "And we cant forget about Mr.Will."

"Why thank you Mr.Marlin." Will smiles handing him the money owed for our ice creams.

"Will when have you guys ever paid for my ice cream?" Mr.Marlin laughs picking up and towel and swiftly putting it on his shoulder.

"One day you will accept the payment." Will chuckles. "Come on children we must go home now if we want to make it in time to Grandma's tea time"

"Aww" we frown but get ready anyway. "Goodbye Mr.Marlin see you next week." I say as I give him a hug. "Yes see you next week." Easton gives Mr.Marlin a handshake followed by Will.

"Come on children let's go home." Will says as we begin the walk across the market to the car. Easton and I in hand and greeting the local vendors we see every week each by name.

"Emily wake up" Ian says. I smile at my childhood memory before opening my eyes. "You were smiling so much I didn't want to wake you but we have finals today so get ready."

The smile I had fades. Ian turns around to see me frowning and laughs as he grabs a shirt from the ground. "Oh come one hurry up and I'll buy us Starbucks today"

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