Chapter 2 - Nerves.

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It’s been three days since the sign up for the Slave Auction, which means three days of stress, and having Danni talk non-stop about it. Jess found this all very amusing, seeing as she didn’t have to worry about it; she could sit back and enjoy it all.

I could only imagine what my mother would say.

She wouldn’t be annoyed, so I guess that’s a start. My mom has always wanted me to be ‘popular’ like she claims she was at school. Therefore test scores and awards don’t matter to her, make-up and my figure and things like that matter.

“You can change you’re intelligence all throughout you’re life, Katy. The way you look will never change, may as well make the best of it.”

There are some wise words from my mother folks.

“Oh my gosh, Kat! The list comes out tomorrow! That means tomorrow is the day I getannounced as the last girl.” Danni was staring dreamily into space.

“What makes you so sure that you’ll actually be the last girl?” Jess asked, raising her eyebrows, Jess had never been fond of how ‘full-of-herself’ Danni could be, and always made sure to point it out when she was.

Danni flickered her eyes over to Jess in annoyance, “Because I just will, okay?”

Jess held her hands up in mock surrender, “Just saying, the reason ‘because I just will’ doesn’t sound very logical to me.”

Ugh”, I thought to myself, “Give it a rest already.”

Danni now looked beyond furious.

“Logical? I couldn’t give a fuck about ‘logic’ Jess, okay? As far as I’m concerned I’m going to be the last girl, and that’s final.”

Me and Jess sat with widened eyes, Danni had a very short temper.

“So um… Any cute boys catch your eye, Dan?” I piped up, averting my gaze quickly to Jess as if to say ‘I got you’re back’.

She mouthed a ‘thank you’ to me.

“I suppose Niall Horan in a way, maybe Payne. Whoever gets me really?”

By that she meant whoever won her at the Slave Auction.

I inwardly rolled my eyes at her lack of character, the way everything now had to be because of the Slave Auction.

I mean in the past she’s only briefly mentioned it, but now… She’s turned into a Slave Auction monster!

I couldn’t stand the thought of her not being that Last Girl; it would crush her. I felt sorry for whoever (if it happened) was the last girl in her place.

* * *

By sixth period I was absolutely exhausted, and having Algebra last didn’t exactly help.

My teacher was a scrawny young guy who wore large specs and had a serious case of body odder.


As we filed into the classroom he stopped us from sitting down.

“Hate to burst you bubble class but, POP! I will assign you’re seats for this year.”

The whole class groaned, not a single teacher today had given us our seats, resulting in me sitting beside Danni and Jess in literally every class.

He grabbed a piece of paper and began to call out names, as people went to take their seats.

Soon there where just four people left, me, Danni this guy I had never seen in my life, and the school’s Mr. Hot Shot, Harry Styles.

Please say Danni, please say Danni.” I inwardly prayed.

“Lets see, Danni Harvard and Peter Johnson.”

Danni looked furious, looks like she would be having a hellish algebra class.

The teacher, whose name was Mr. Monroe (no relation to Marilyn) looked up, seeing there where only two students left, “Oh! And that leaves us with let’s see… Katy Clarkson and Harry Styles.”

The only two seats left where at the very back, basically isolated form the entire class.


We both shuffled down the rows of tables, as Danni sent me a sympathetic gaze.

Everybody in the school knew Harry Styles, even the cleaners. He was the school’s basketball captain, known for being rich, a player and just an all round ass, and of course, he was a component of 1D.

I never talked about 1D? Well, there were five guys who thought they were the owners of the school, they're the most popular and also the most feared.

They believed they were the Kings of the World.

And now I would have to sit with one of them all the year.

Which meant that sitting beside him for a whole year in algebra class would be thee most torturing thing I will ever be put through.

I slumped into my seat, as he took the one beside me, he smile.

“What's your name?” He asked.

“You don't care.” I replied.

“Well observed.” He shot back, grabbing out the required books for the class.

“I just wanted to know how was going to call my partner for a year."

I rolled me eyes, “That doesn't work, dear.”

He laughed at this, settling back into his seat.

“Well, how are you?”

I sighed; I really didn’t have time for his stupid small talk, “What?.”

“You signing up for the Slave Auction?”

As soon as the words left his mouth had I tensed up, no one had asked about it, and I had hoped no one would.

“Uh… No.” I lied, not looking at him, instead straight ahead of me, to the board.

“Shame.” He mumbled.

My curiosity got the better of me, “And why is that?”

“Me and my friends would bid on you if you where up there.”

My stomach erupted with butterflies, well not literally but you know what I mean.

I didn’t speak to him for the rest of the class, and he didn’t speak to me, he only sent a smirk in my direction before leaving when the bell rang.

* * *

I made a few changes in the story, let's see if you guess.

If you want the next chapter:


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