Chapter 9 - "I'm feeling burn."

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"You're not going to kill someone, Katy."

I looked at Zayn as he drove to school in his car. I hadn't slept all night.

There were hundreds of reasons why I would start to hyperventilate.

1. I always considered myself the type that was set more in other people than herself. I didn't like the idea of hurting someone.

2. Then I felt no one would believe it. I mean, Zayn Malik with Katy Clarkson? Please... this is a joke? No one will believe this story .

Before I knew Zayn stopped the car. My heart was beating a mile a minute .

Oh, my goodness. Can he hear it? I hope not.

Nobody was in the parking, and that was a relief. I needed more time to analyze things.

"Just pretend we're together, nothing else. Only I'll hold your hand." I sighed and looked at him. The truth was that her smile reassured me.

I nodded and got ready to leave the car. I grabbed the bag tightly and started walking through the parking. I felt Zayn took my hand, I looked at him, then I saw his smile and I remembered why I did it.

Do what you leave at the time and nothing else. Act as if you really like Zayn.

I looked at Zayn and I analyze him a few seconds. He wore a gray sweater that marked all his muscles, in the hours that I was with him I hadn't noticed them. Oh, please, how was it possible? It was almost impossible not to notice the muscles being marked in each corner of his sweater. He also wore black pants and white convers. Really, I hadn't realized how handsome he was. Then I realize that I would have to leave me silly and enjoy the moment. I mean, how many times a guy handsome like Zayn asks you to act like his girlfriend?

Hello? Is there someone here, Katy?

I analyzed the question and found a quick response. Never. So, why was I concerned?

Hell, I seemed like a stupid girl.

When Zayn opened the door I felt all eyes on me. The girl groups began whispering gossips among them, we all watched. Logically, they would be amazed. But it did not bother me . I saw Jess in his locker and looked at me with open eyes , smiled and gave her a look of 'I'll tell you before'. She nodded and turned to her locker.

I had to start preparing mentally for the set of questions .

We stopped at my locker, Zayn dropped my hand and leaned against the locker right next to me. As I pulled the books in the locker I could feel the smile of satisfaction on his face.

"All are watching us. In the end of the morning Perrie already be aware." I smiled and looked at him .


I closed the locker and we walk down the hall. This time I was hold his hand, he looked at me and I noticed the surprise in his eyes. Now, they will have more reasons to criticized me.

And strangely, I was fine with that.

Zayn walked with me to my classroom, people looked at us as if we were a movie. Damn teenagers.

"See you later, right? " I nodded and he walked away with a smile.

* * *

Zayn waited me out of my classroom with a big smile on his face. His hands were in his pockets. I smiled at him and started walking toward the lunch hall quietly. During the first three classes I had to listen kinds of questions from my classmates.

How long have you with Zayn?

Why are you with him?

In short, the typical gossip things. We walked into the lunch hall and we headed to the same table as ever, where I sat for a whole week. Jess was there with Niall, Liam, Louis and I was surprised not to see Harry. I sat next to Jess and Zayn with his friends.


I sighed. "What do you want know?" I had prepared myself mentally in the last classes for the interrogation of Jess.

"What is this about? " I knew perfectly well that Jess was not believing  the tale of ' our relationship ', so I had to tell the truth . When I finished to tell , she had a chance to say anything because we were interrupted by the voice of Niall .

"How about a weekend in the lake house?"

I looked at Niall who looked at us expectantly.


He shrugged and sighed. "A weekend at the cottage of my parents. We never use it, so what do you think?" I was about to answer, if not because someone decided to interrupt me.

"Yes, what do you think?" Harry suddenly appeared and sat beside me. Shit.

I looked at Jess who seemed more excited than usual. "Is a good idea."

I sighed. I had no other way. "Okay."

" Well. After I send you a message, right?" Zayn said, I smiled and nodded .

We didn't talk about it anymore, and in the last ten minutes are dedicated to talk between us. That is, until I felt a hand on my knee. Instinctively, I got up suddenly as if I had a squirrel in my pants. Everyone looked at me with surprise, I just smiled and said I had a cramp in the leg. I noticed Harry's silent laugh.

Again I felt his hand on my knee. "Stop." I whispered .

He looked at me and he smiled. " What do you mean?"

"Stop touching me." He laughed and I felt his hand move up. His hand went to stay at the top of my thigh .

"I know you like it." He whispered in response. And oddly enough, I didn't refused to let him touch me. Because he move his hand to get to the bottom of my thigh, I notice his hand so close of my climax. My goodness. A heat began to rise from my stomach to stay in my throat.

What are you doing Katy? Move on, say something.

Harry spoke with Niall and Zayn like nothing while his hand caressed my thigh with a circular motion. He was doing so well because I was taking an ecstasy unknow for me.

It seemed that time had stopped and only Harry's hand moved.

The problem wasn't I stop him, the trouble was that I was enjoying his touch.

Shit. I'm feeling burn.

I was sure that his hand would go much further. But suddenly, the bell rang and everyone started to stand up, like Harry, he removed his hand from my thigh and he started walking through the lunch hall as nothing had happened.

Damn. Why I am so hot?

* * *

So... new chapter. I want to tell you that this is just fiction, and this is written only for entertainment. If you don't like this, don't read it. I don't feel bad for write this, do you feel bad for read this?Anyway, this is only fiction. And sorry if this has a lot of errors, I promise I'll fix them. Thanks.

So, if you want a faster update, comment and votes; xx

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