Chapter 7 - The Slave Auction.

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 The bell rang.

It was the time for the Slave Auction, oh no.

I heard people entering in the auditorium, and seconds later the auditorium was completely full of excited teenagers. I couldn't say the same, I was nervous, but why I was nervous?

"Okay girls, it's time. Now we will all in single file. You just have to do the same as in the trials. " She says.

They all said "yes" and we started to get in order.

I was number 20, so I was the last in the file. Danni was number 19, which meant she was before me. She looks at me with a dark smile on her face and then she turned front.

From the day Mila announced I was the last girl, my relationship with Danni had been bad. She was angry with me and I didn't understand why, but worst of all, she was the new friend of Auburn bitch.

Yes, the same Auburn fucking Williams I had seen two days earlier in the closet with Harry Styles.

A music got me out of my thoughts and I saw that the file moved. I started to move, doing the same thing as in the trials.

Seconds later I was in front of all the lights, I feel all the eyes on me and this make ​​me feel more nervous. I spotted Jess in the front row, I sat on my site.

The music stopped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Slave Auction! " Mila said.

Everyone started clapping and screaming excited.

"Let's start people, okay? Number 1. Stand up and show all your charms." She added .

The number one stood in the middle of the stage. Some guys started whistling and shouting things bristles.

"Okay, guys. The bidding start at $10. Anyone? "

It was extremely exciting to see how teenagers with hormones out of control bid for you. Surely, seeing someone pays for you enough money should be exciting, and that's what the girl number 1 felt when she was sold for $87.

Half an hour after the auction was from the girl number 14. As the girls passed the bidding went up. The first five girls were sold for less than $100. But from the 5 to the 13 things changed. Logically, the girl number 13 is better than 5, but I guess the girl number 5 should not feel bad about herself , she had been sold for $110.

"The bidding start at $300. Anyone? " Mila screamed.

As the girls were sold, they were leaving the stage. Now only stayed five. Me, Danni, Auburn, the girl number 14 and the number 15.

I felt the auditorium was filling up increasingly, I guess because the thing was getting better and better with each passing minute, higher number - higher amount . And I couldn't help but wonder how come to pay for me, Auburn had been sold for $650 and she wasn't the last girl.

So, who would be interested in me and how much they would pay for me?

"Number 19 sold for $750 to Caleb Rush!" Mila screamed .

And that led me to reality. There were no more girls and that meant that I was the last girl;

"And finally. Number 20." Mila said.

I looked at her and smiled as I got up, I felt my legs were weak, all eyes were on me. I looked at Jess who looked at me expectantly.

"The bidding starts at $1,000. Anyone?"

A red-haired boy stood up.

" $1,100 ! "

" $1,200"




No one said anything. I was to be sold to a stranger.

"$1,500, going once, going twice...?"

"$2,000" A curly boy stand up. I opened my eyes. Harry Styles?

Oh , no. Please...

But then someone else stand up.

"$2,200 " What? Niall Horan?

What the hell? Boy unknown, stand up...

"$2,500" Harry said again .

"$2,550 " Niall said.

Why they were interested in me? I think they were interested in Mila or in Auburn. Oh, please.

"$2,800" Harry said.

And without knowing why. I felt Niall surrender. No one stand up, and I knew I was going to be sold to Harry Styles.

Please Jesus. I need a miracle.

" $2,800, going once, going twice...?"

And then...

"$3,300" Another boy stand up.

I didn'trecognize at first. I could see Harry looking at the guy who was right beside him with a scowl. I knew that was a lot of money for him.

"$3,300, going once, going twice? Number 20, our final girl, is sold to Zayn Malik! "

What the fuck?

What kind of joke was this?

Why my life was so unfair?

Why now I was the slave of Zayn Malik?

And most importantly,

Why 1D wanted to buy me?


* * *

Sorry if this has many errors, I wrote this in the middle of the night and with a bit rushed, I promise to fix it, but not now. I hope you like it, and thank you for all.

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