Chapter 6 Juliet & Andy & Star

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A/N: They guys this chapter is really important because this will talk about the feelings of Andy, Star and Juliet. 

I was sitting alone in my hotel as I looked at my hand. The tattoo 'White Rabbit' was there. I missed Andy so much. He was my best friend and I was in love with him. I found myself looking through my phone looking at all the pictures I took with Andy. We always looked like we were in a passionate love. I felt tears run down my face as I found the one picture I loved (Above). I remembered the day we were taking this picture. I cried for hours as I felt my heart break. I never wanted to leave Andy... But it was all my fault that he left me. 

I couldn't hold it back anymore, I picked up my phone and I called Andy. I was praying that he would pick up I couldn't wait to hear his voice. I looked at the clock and it was 8 am. I sighed in relief as he picked up.

Andy: What do you want 
'He sounds like he's still made at me ' I thought before I answered trying not to cry. 

Juliet: Andy, please forgive me I didn't mean to hurt her. I just want you to come back. I can't handle being without you. All the memories we had, the fun times, all the love we shared. Please Andy I love you. 

Andy: Juliet don't make it harder then it already is. I need time to think alright. 
Juliet: Andy, please. I'm begging you
Andy: Go away. 

Then the call ended and I started to cry more. The love of my life left me.

*Andy's POV *

I just got off the phone with Juliet and I could tell she was crying. My heart was torn. I felt really bad for leaving her but i had to. All the band members hated her and she hurt Star. The girl I was falling for. I had to choose now... Star or Juliet.  I looked down as I was still in bed and I see Star's head on my chest. I felt my heart fly yet it yearned from something else. I then sighed. I pushed her gently off me and I got out of bed. I went into the bath room and I changed into my Misfits shirt and a pair of jeans. I didn't worry about my hear but I washed my face off and grab my jacket before I left the bus. The guys were all still asleep. 

I felt my cigarettes, lighter and phone in my pocket. I sighed as I went for a walk around the venue we were at. No one was really there and it was a bit chilly outside. I needed to get my mind off of everything but I didn't know how. I pulled out a cigar and I put it in my mouth before I lit it up and I started to smoke as i walked around. I felt a bit better as I smoked but the feeling and thoughts were still strong. I started to take long drags as I smoked so that way my thoughts would go away. But they stayed. 

When I finished my cigarette I flicked it off somewhere before I smooched it to stop it from starting a fire. I later found a bench and I sat down there and I held my head in my hands. I missed Juliet it was like a piece of me was missing. But on the other hand Star was filling that place up with her just hanging out with me.  I started to lose my mind in this endless battle. But now I knew what to do. I got up and I started walking

*Star's POV*

I woke up to Andy not being there and I frowned a bit but, then I had a mental check. I'm not in love with Andy. I can't be in love with him, He already loves someone else. I felt tears run down my face but I didn't know why I was crying. I sighed as I got out of bed and I went to the bath room and I grabbed some of Ashley's clothes and I changed my clothes before I got all the other guys up and I sighed. I left to go and make some breakfast for the guys. I went to Mc Donald and i got some coffee, sandwiches and all the stuff the guys wanted. I later paid for it and I went back to the bus where the guys tackled me to get the food. 

I sat on the couch as I sat next to Jake and I started to eat.  Soon minutes turned to hours and Andy wasn't back. The guys all said he was out doing some shit but I was still worried about him. I didn't know why i was worrying over a perfect man who could take care of him self but then, I found out why. I was falling for him... But why? I sighed as I held my head in my hands and I looked at all the others guys as they were getting ready for the venue. I had a feeling it would be a close to starting and fans were already starting to show. I was getting worried about where Andy was but now I cant do anything about it. I might have to BE Andy for this show. I went to the back and I sat down and I talked to Jake and he said Andy would show up soon. I was still worried and I tried to take my mind off of Andy but i just couldn't. I had to come and face the facts. I was in love with Andy, and it was something I could not fight. 

A/N: Comment below who you think Andy should go to. 



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*She got a new look*

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*She got a new look*

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