Chapter 11 Star

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I was finally home. Away from all the drama, heartache and everything that hurt me. I entered my house and I see all of my friends. They all look mad at me. 

"How could you lie to us like this Star" Lilly said 

"Saying your last name was rose when you really are the little sister to Ashley Purdy," Maddie  said 

"We trusted you," Lauren said 

"What else have you lied to us about," Lilly said 

"Guys stop," Gizel said. I sighed and I tried to ignore them all but they just hit me. Well, Lilly, Maddie, and Lauren did before they left. 

"Go on hit me, yell at me I don't care!" I yelled at Gizel but, she just gave me a hug. 

"It's okay Star, I understand. You lied to keep yourself safe. " She said 

"Thank you for understanding, " I said before I looked at the time. It was midnight. 

"How about we go clubbing?" I asked 

"Sure" I smiled at her answer and I ran upstairs and I changed my clothes into a skinny black cocktail dress that hugged my hips and went as far down as my knees. I went downstairs and I grabbed my purse as I put a few hundred bucks in there and I went into my car and I started to drive to my favorite club. 

When we got there-there was a lot of people which was normal. I sat down at the bar and a bartender came over. 

"Give me the strongest beer you have, " I said and he nodded. As soon as I got it I started to drink it. One sip and I swear I could have been drunk. It was that strong. I ignored the bitter taste and kept drinking it. By the time the glass was half empty I started to have some fun. I was dancing with a few guys and girls as I drank and I was having fun. Gizel was also drinking but she began fancy about it. Like a small shot. That was it. All she did was one shot as I was drinking my beer. Guess she had to be the one to drive me home. But tonight was going to be the night I let go of everything. 

"GOODBYE ANDY, GOODBYE STRESS, GOODBYE SHIT!" I yelled as I kept drinking. The music was louder than my yell. 

What only felt like 1 minute turned to be 2 hours and Gizel was getting tired. 
"Nooo, I don't want to go," I said as I was on my third beer. I was sober but a little drunk. I felt someone grab me and take me to my car. Gizel put me in the back seat as I sat down and she started to drive home to my place. Then I remembered something. I have to write my new songs for my youtube channel. As soon as I got home I ran inside and I found my journal. I opened it up but when I did I saw a note...

Dear Starlight,
Only read this when you feel down. I don't want you to go out to clubs and drink your pain away or sing songs about your pain. Just lay down in your bed and sleep it away. Dream of your fantasy. just sleep away the pain. Don't ever get hurt.
Your big brother

'Wow I wonder why he would write this' I thought. Then I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked to see it was Ashley 

"Come on let's go and get some sleep," he said. I nodded and I put the book down and I hugged his neck as he carried me to my room. He pulled out my favorite PJs that he got me and I changed into them before he tucked me in and he gave me my teddy bear. 

"Goodnight little sister" He kissed my forehead before he left my bedroom and he shut off the light. I sighed and I laid down on my side and I looked at the window. 

"Goodnight Ash" I muttered to myself before I shut my eyes and I fell asleep. 

*The next day*

I woke up happy. My head didn't hurt and I felt like nothing bad could happen. I got out of my bed and I walked over to my bathroom and I brushed my hair and my teeth before I went downstairs and I saw Ashley down there already up and making waffles for me.

"Morning Star," Ashley said smiling at me. 

"Why are you here big brother," I asked 

"The tour is over and Andy is gonna start a solo album so the guys and I need to work on the next album," Ashley said

"Ohhhh I thought the band broke up because of me," I said. 

"No that wouldn't happen," He said as he set the table and I sat down. 

"Thank you, Ash," I said as I started to eat

"Your welcome Star," He said before he gave me a kiss on the cheek and he sat next to me and he started eating. 

"So... How are the guys?"  I asked 

"Well, Andy asked Juliet to marry him. He didn't get an answer, CC is gonna come over here soon with the other guys so we could all work. But yeah" He said as he kept eating 

"Oh okay well I'm gonna go and change" I put my dishes away in the sink before I went upstairs to my bedroom and I changed into a white tank top with some short jean shorts. I later came down and went straight to the soundproof studio and I got everything ready for the guys. I smiled as I got everything set up and the guys all came over. 

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