First Day Encounters

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Ch. 1

"Move, moron!" a big guy said as he walked past me and bumped my shoulder, almost causing me to drop my phone. Well, talk about interesting first day greeting.

  "I'm sorry for standing in the way of your big ego." I actually didn't expect him to hear what I said. He turned around, stalked back to me and got all up in my face.

  "What did you say?" I think he was trying to sound intimidating, and he would've, had it not been for the obvious look of confusion at my lack of fear.

  "I suspected that there was something wrong with your eyesight, but apparently that's not all." I said and turned my back to him as I made my way to class, at least I thought it was the right way. But I didn't get far as I felt someone grab the neck of my shirt and yank me back.

  "Listen here, fag. I don't know and I don't care who you are, but around here you show me some respect. Got it?"

  "First of all, big guy, I'd say that I'm known as the new guy around here so cut me some slack, will you? And second of all," I pulled away from him, "Ever heard of personal space? If I didn't know any better I'd say that you're the fag. Oh wait, maybe you are!"

   With that I turned around and resumed my walk to class leaving the stunned guy behind me as the bell rang. I guess he's not used to people talking back to him. Well, he's definitely up for a surprise.

"Excuse me, hi. Could you help me please? I'm new and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be." I had walked by a class room where there was only a teacher sitting at a desk, so I decided I'd ask her for help since being late for the first class on the first day wouldn't really leave a good impression with the teacher. And I was not aiming to standing out, the less attention I got the better it was for me.

  "Sure, come on in and show me your schedule, I'll see if I can help." she said with a kind smile. She looked really young with her small frame and big, round, bright brown eyes, the same colour as her hair. "Oh dear, you better hurry up. Your first class is with Ms Winters in the room across the hall, and she doesn't take lightly on people coming late. Doesn't matter what their reason is. But your next class is with me so just come back here later and I'll see you. I'm Catherine Blade, by the way, your English teacher." she said and handed me back my schedule. She seemed like a nice enough teacher. Though I wonder how her classes were as she looked very young and timid, and those traits in a teacher often caused disasters during class.

  "Marcus Ander, nice to meet you and thank you, Ms Blade!" I said before walking out and going across the hall. I knocked on the open door before walking in to the half filled class room. A middle aged woman stood at the front of the class with her back straight and her arms crossed. She looked to be around her mid forties, but her hair was a grayish, silver kind of colour cut in a shoulder length style making her look really strict. She looked like someone that demanded respect and wouldn't take crap from anyone. But she didn't look mean, maybe slightly cold, but not mean.

  "Yes?" She had looked over at me when I knocked.

  "Hi, I'm new and I think this is where I'm supposed to be?" I asked, a bit hesitant. She looked annoyed before I even opened my mouth.

  "Your name?" she asked as she went over to her desk and started looking through some papers.

  "Marcus Ander."

  "Welcome to my history class, Mr Ander, I'm Tina Winters. Here are your books; have a seat, we'll start in a minute." I nodded and thanked her before I took a seat around the middle. The seat next to me was vacant and some blonde girl with heavy make-up sat on the other side of me, looking into a pocket mirror. She didn't even look up as I sat down. No one did, actually. I thought that they'd make a bigger fuss over a new guy starting in the middle of the term, but it looked like they didn't care. Which I kind of liked. I mean, making new friends and talking to my new classmates is important, I guess. But this way I could observe more without people hanging over my shoulder and jumping to conclusions about me and simply annoy me. This way, I got to choose who I wanted to approach.

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