What's A Gay?

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Ch. 3

The rest of the day was uneventful. I actually didn't see neither Nick nor Jake, which I was happy for. No wait, I forgot. Something interesting did happen today, during lunch. I went to the cafeteria to eat, I bought my food and took a seat at an empty, round table near a glass wall that faced an empty lawn, as it was still a bit too cold to eat outside. I was quietly eating my lunch, tuning out the loud obnoxious voices of the people around me, when all of a sudden some guy walked up to me.

   "Is it alright if I sit here?" he asked. I looked at him for a while, processing the question, before I nodded. He sat down leaving a chair between us, and took out a plastic wrapped sandwich and began to quietly eat. I was curious as to why he had sat down with me. Sure, this was the least crowded table, but didn't he have any friends to sit with? The guy was quite tall but pretty lanky, with lots of curly brown hair that was pretty messy. He had on some regular jeans with a black t-shirt under a gray hoodie and a pair of headphones around his neck. All in all he didn't look like he belonged to Jake's clique. More like he was the kind that Jake and his friends picked on or full out ignored. Not that I really cared about him, but not being friends with Jake raised his status in my eyes. It was also a plus that he seemed so cool about the situation, like he didn't even think about that he was sitting with a total stranger, he didn't make any failed attempts at trying to make small talk and he didn't comment or ask about the bruise forming on my cheek.

   We sat quietly throughout the whole lunch, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable it was just... there.

   When lunch was over, he stood up and nodded his head towards me before he left. I didn't think about it more.

   School was over for the day, so I started to make my way home. I hadn't gotten very far when my phone rang.

   "Hello?" I hadn't bothered checking the caller ID.

   "Marcus, honey? Where are you?" It was aunt Claire.

   "I'm on my way home. Why? Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

   "No, no, not at all. I was just wondering if you could pick up Skye and walk him home? I have to work a bit later today and I don't want Skye to walk home alone." Some would say that aunt Claire's a bit overprotective, but I understand her concern. She's usually the one to pick up Skye and the triplets as Henry works until about five while her workdays are shorter.

   "Yeah, of course. What about the triplets?" I wondered.

   "Well, I thought I'd pick them up as soon as I can, I don't want to ask too much of you. You're probably tired from school-" Here we go again.

   "Aunt Claire."

   "-and just want to get home and get something to eat and-"


   "-here I am making you take a detour to pick up your cousin, so-"

   "AUNT CLAIRE!" She really needed to stop rambling.

   "Yes, hun?"

   "I'll pick up the triplets too."

   "Oh, thank you, love, I appreciate the help."

   "No problem. I'll see you later then."

   "Yes, dear. Bye." she said and then hung up. I made my way to Skye's school first, it wasn't that far away. The school was old and small with yellow brick walls, but the school ground was rather big with room for different kinds of outdoor activities. Just as the school came in sight I saw the rush of kids as they made their way to their parents or the bus or stood in groups of friends. I saw Skye standing by the doors, talking with some friends of his before they one by one had to leave. Right when the last on left and Skye looked around probably trying to spot his mother, he saw me instead and a huge grin grew on his face before he broke of into a run. His steps faltered about halfway before he stopped in front of me, still grinning, but with a confused and slightly concerned look.

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