Family, Fight And Cute Dimples

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Ch. 2

I opened the door to my apartment and stepped inside. I looked around at the unfamiliar white walls and yellow, pale linoleum floor. A sigh left my lips as I dropped my bag by the door and hung up my jacket. I went in to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get something to eat, but found it mostly empty. I tilted my head back and groaned. Not really feeling like going out again to buy something, I went to the living room and lay down on my brown, leather couch that cracked as if it was about to fall apart. I tried taking a nap, to pass time and forget about my rumbling stomach, but my mind kept wandering and bringing up thoughts of my first day in school.

   Jacob Larson. Though the name wasn't familiar and I'd never met him before, I knew his kind. Every school had one. They're the popular guy who's name is on everyone's lips; either spoken about with fear, admiration or both. They have a way of carrying themselves that make others see them as some kind of king rather than the regular person they are. But even though everyone thinks that he is the one in control of everything, he is actually the one with the least control as he is forced to do what his 'followers' want, in order to stay on top. I'd be pretty miserable if I was to be in his position. Which could explain why he's pissed off more than half the time.

   Then we had Nick Gregory. He's probably Jacob's 'right-hand man'. But he seemed pretty different from Jake. Rather than being rude and obnoxious like Jake, he actually talked to me and acted civilized. But then again, it could all be a facade to trick me into trusting him so that they could get to me. Because obviously a few pushes and some hard words weren't affecting me. Though for them to come up with a plan like that on the first day wasn't very likely.

    I turned so I was lying on my back with my arm over my eyes, my feet hanging off the end of the couch.

   Starting at a new school is always hard, especially when it's in the middle of the term, but even more so when you don't know anyone. I wouldn't have done it had it not been absolutely necessary.

   A knock on the door startled me and brought me back from the unwanted place my mind was about to enter.

   "Marc? Marcus, honey? Are you home?" a muffled female voice called from outside. "I'm coming in!" And that was the only warning I got before my forty-five-year-old aunt burst through the front door, unruly, blonde hair flying everywhere, black coat hanging off one shoulder, keys in one hand and a red purse clutched in the other.

   "Thank God that you're alright! Why didn't you answer my call? I was worried sick, y'know?" she said while coming in and starting to check if I was alright, which I was even though she didn't believe me.

   "Seriously, aunt Claire? I was taking a nap, first day of school wore me out." I said, trying to sit up while swatting her hands away, making her scowl at me.

   "Well, come on then!" she urged me, while walking through the hallway, back to the door. Confused, I started to follow her.

   "What're you talking about? Where're you going?" I asked her, while she put her shoes back on.

   "I'm going home, and you're coming with me. Where else do you think we're going to eat dinner? Well I suppose we could go out to eat... Do you want to go out somewhere, dear? Let me just call Henry and tell him to get the kids ready." She didn't even wait for me to answer. Though this wasn't an unusual behavior for her, it was still pretty hard to get her to listen.

   "Aunt Claire."

   "We could go to that new place by the mall."

   "Aunt Clai-"

   "Or that place we usually go to, by the-"


   "Yes, baby?"

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