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beware. this story was my first ever 'fanfiction' that i wrote, so this is basically horrible. well, all of my writing is pretty bad compared to other writers out there, but yeah. this isn't very well put together, but if you're feeling generous, then go ahead and read. its not that bad. (:


 "Stop! I'll tell you, alright?! Just shut up!" I gripped my curls, and pulled on them attempting to sooth my strained head. I took deep breaths, calming my heart beating down.

A look of shock took place on Louis' face, but he was ready to listen.

"I've been having these massive headaches." I sighed. He looked confused, "W-What do you mean?" 

   "I mean, the headaches aren't your everyday headache that aspirin will fix. It's a constant pounding, a constant thumping inside my head, as if someone's trapped in my head, pounding their way out." I explained. His face held even more shock then before, "I was overwhelmed out there. All of the people, something.. something made me feel overwhelmed, and I came in here to relax, calm down a bit. My hands were shaky, and my heart was racing, I was scared, Lou."  I must have looked so weak.

"The headaches are normal, but nothing like that has ever happened before." I exaplained further.

"Harry, you need to see a doctor!" He said with worry in his eyes.

   "I didn't want to worry anyone. The fans would find out sooner or later, and you know the paps would have gotten a picture, and I would have made the front page, making a big mess out of all of this."  I told him.

"I don't care, Harry! This could be serious! Come on, we need to get you to a doctor." He grabbed hold of my wrist, and attempted to pull me out of the bedroom, only for me to rip my wrist from his hold, "No! I said I'm fine! I don't need help. This is nothing. It's probably just built up stress that's finally letting itself go. Just leave it, and I promise you it'll go away. It's just... stress." I sighed in between 'just', and 'stressed'. The rest of the boys were now in the hallway, "What's going on?" Asked Liam just before I fell into Louis', and blacked out.


idk why I haven't uploaded the prologue yet, but here it is.. /: lol 

bittersweet | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now