Log 3

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Day 19

Fallout 3 has gotten stale. My character died 40 times. Johnny is probably going to be neglected for a long time.

12:00 AM

Another rock passed by, no life on it.  However, it did have two small packages on it. I pulled the rock in as was custom now. One box was labelled food. The other was unlabeled. I took both in, knowing at least one had something useful in it. I did the ritual as was with all rocks, kick my trash off onto it and the rock into the cold devoid blackness of space.

12:30 AM

I opened the unlabeled box and found a PS2, and a few games, one being Max Payne. In the food box, I found cheese, fruit cups, peanut butter, and stuff for spaghetti. I felt as if some time in an alternate universe, one where the world didn't end; someone would be freaking out over spaghetti, right about now.

Day 21

A big rock flew by. It had a little shack on it. The shack was from my house. I don't know how it got out here but it did. I pulled it in. Dave had a bad feeling about the shack. I ignored Dave for once though.

1:00 PM

I opened up the shack and found a hose, assorted tools, and a sickle. I tied the shack to the front of the vessel I called my house. I then attached the sickle to the hose as a grappling hook, in case more rocks came by.

8:00 PM

I saw another planet, green and probably a gas giant. It had several rings of red and blue surrounding it, like Saturn in a way. A lot of rocks were in orbit around it. I called it Tiapra, the name of a ship in the book I was reading.

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