1: Coming Home

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"Nyssa, I can't do this anymore." I tell her. It's been five freaking years in this stupid place. I am not going to kill anymore. That's right, the leauge doesn't care what age you are. Look I'm only ten. I can't keep killing for them, I just can't. But once an assassin always an assassin.

"Milea Queen! You can't just leave." Nyssa says. "You know the rules."

"You're right Nyssa I do, but I also know that you know this is wrong. Your the one that is always telling me that I shouldn't have had this life, but news flash, I do and want out." I tell her. "I'm ten, Ras Al Gul can't control me and doesn't even know me."

"Fine, leave, but just don't come crying to me when the league comes looking for you. I don't care how good of a fighter you are." Nyssa says. "Don't worry, I'll cover for you."

"Thanks Nys." I say running out of the base on Nana Par Bet. I run through the secret tunnels of the mountain and get to the bottom of it. The only thing I will probably regret is not telling Sara goodbye. But whatever. I take the escape boat to an island, not far from where the leauge found me. Then I stop and look at the damn island. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I like this? I think to myself. I need to get back to Starling City. But how? Oh right, my little bracelet has a map on it. And it's not like I can lose it, it's embedded in my DNA/arm.

"Starling City." I command it. Then a propeller comes up from it and flies me to the coast of Starling City. Then drops me. It takes it about 4 hours to get there, but whatever.

4 hours later

Finally I'm here. My damn arm is numb, but it's worth it. Who knows, maybe I'll see my mom and dad, not together, but still.

I pull myself out of the frigid water and up onto land. Now the bracelet is going to be a little hard to explain to both of them. That's if my dad's still alive. Five years have passed since I last saw him. So who knows, maybe he drowned? But I'm back and am gonna make the most of it. I can promise you that.

6 hours later

*ring ring* "Oliver, get the door please dear." I hear my grandmother say over the intercom.

"Yes mother." Dad replies. He walks to the door and opens it. "Um... Who... Wait... Lea?" Dad's says shocked.

"Hey dad." I say smiling. He just grabs me and hugs me.

"How is this, Oh my god. Your alive? But how?" Dad asks.

"I'll explain later." I tell him.

"Well get in here." Dad says.

"Who is it?" Grandma asks dad.

"Well mom, its um... Uh..." Dad stutters.

"It's who Oli?" Grandma demands.

"Um..." Dad looks at me. "Lea..." he says quickly.

"What dear?" Grandma says walking down stairs. "Who's this young girl?" Grandma asks.

"This is Milea." Dad says.

"Like your daughter Milea, that supposedly died when the boat went down, but didn't die?" Grandma says.

"Correct." Dad assures her.

"Ok, if your really Milea Queen, what's your mother's name?" Grandma questions. I don't blame her, I would be skeptical of me too.

"Melissa Zuri Merlyn." I reply quickly.

"Damn it. Ok, ok, what is Oliver's sister's name?" Grandma asks.

"Thea Queen." I reply. I look at her and then back at my dad. "Asks me anything. I would probably know the answer to." I say trying to get her to believe me.

"Mom, I think I know my own kid." Dad argues.

"Oli, how could you know that? You haven't seen her in five years." Grandma says.

"Call it father's intuition." Dad tells her. "Now Lea, let's get you to your room."

Dad walks up my grandmother's stair case and towards my old bedroom. Something I haven't seen in years. "Dad, where have you been for the past five years?" I ask.

"Lea, well... Everywhere for different things. Lea I'm not gonna lie to you and say I was on a hellish island for the full five years, but that is where most of my time was spent." Dad says. "Now I'm gonna spin that on you."

"Dad, it's complicated, and I don't wanna talk about anything that has happened since the island and everything." I tell him.

"Lea, look, I'm not going to make you talk, but I am going to say this. Whatever happened after the island is up for you to tell me. I'm always here." Dad says.

"Look, I'll talk if I'm ready, but not until then." I tell him.

"Ok, but Lea, just know I love you." Dad says walking out of the room.

The Ninja Oliver Queen's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now