Matthew and Sammy (boyxboy)

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"Matthew!!!!!!" I run out the door held open by my boyfriend, Sammy. He closes the door as my crazy mother throws a cookie tin of all things at me. It hits the door. I look at Sammy he looks at me. He's smiling, I'm not. I'm not smiling because I just got kicked out of my home for telling my mother about Sammy. I was wishing dad were here. dad would have talked her down, let me stay. My mother had always been against gay people. She hated them with a passion. Sammy and I loved each other. He stuck up for me and pushed people away for me. He knew more about me then anyone but my dad knew. But my dad was gone. Left me and my baby sister for his sexy flight attendant. My dad was a great guy, when he wasn't being a pilot or a cheater to mom. He has been gone for 3 years now. We know he's alive in California somewhere he sends us birthday cards, small gifts, child support and all that other stuff. We get by and he gets laid. I kinda hate my dad. not because he's a cheater, hell if I was married to my mom I'd cheat too, but because when he left he didn't take me with him. He left me. He said in a letter that it was because mom would need someone there for her and someone to help with Claire.

I looked deep into Sammy's bright blue eyes past his blonde hair. I could tell he knew I was sad. I was now an orphan. Unless, my father would take me. Sammy took my hand and stepped really close to me. I could smell his cologne. I felt like crying but I was standing right outside the house. What if Claire saw? What is mom going to tell her about me? That I was a bad kid? I ran away? She wouldn't dare tell her the truth. Looking into Sammy's eyes made me feel better, knowing I had the most perfect guy ever standing 6 inches away ready to wrap me up in a blanket and cuddle me tight. He hugged me. I breathed in his smell. After the embrace he left one arm around me. "Mat, would you like to come home with me?" I nodded and let him walk me away. I had never told anyone about being gay. I acted straight. I acted like I enjoyed girls. I didn't. I enjoyed Sammy. But I kept my mouth shut because I knew my mom would disown me. And she did.

Sammy and I walked all the way back to his house. It wasn't a long walk but it wasn't all that short either. Sammy says that if I didn't love him he'd be fat because he would never have to walk across town to kiss me. He says this now and I smile a little. Sammy and I have been together for a year and 3 months and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Sammy opens the door and calls upstairs "Mom can you come here there's something important we need to talk about." Sammy's mom, Jessi, was a nice person, she had Sammy when she was 14 so she was only in her late 20's. When Sam told her about me she was excited. She asked him a bunch of questions and then ran off to get her notebook of ideas. She was an author, a photographer, and an artist. She created her own covers for her books and illustrated her only children's book. She was now writing a book about 2 gay boys in love in secret. Sometimes she calls me or Sammy if she needs help and we help her out. One time she asked to take a picture of me for the book with a piece of cloth tied over my mouth preventing me from speaking. I agreed. The picture was actually pretty cool. She did 3 of them and gave one to me let Sammy keep one and sold the other. She gave me $100 of the profit because she made $2300 on it. The picture was doubled so there was 2 of me. I loved it. My mom wasn't a fan of the fact that I "was modeling for Sammy's mother" but I didn't care. That hundred got me closer to the car I was going to get in a year, when I turned 16.

Sammy's mom was now up stairs probably working on a painting because we heard her close the cabinet she kept paint in and trip over the chair that she never bothered to move. The door opened and a paint covered Jessi appeared at the top of the stairs. When she saw me she smiled and ran down the stairs "Sammy why didn't you tell me my other son was here!? I would have cleaned up a bit!" she hugged me "sorry for the mess Mat. Now what its it you wanted to talk to me about because I have some things to tell you guys too." a hint if sadness appeared on her face but it was gone quickly. She lead us into the living room and sat down on the floor with her feet together and her hands crossed. Sammy and I sat down on the couch across from her. Sammy asked if I wanted to explain it, I shook my head. Sammy took my hand and squeezed it. Jessi's smile was disappearing. "what's going on guys??" Sammy told her what happened.

Matthew and Sammy (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now